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A/N: No smut for today.😅

Hope you like it varunxyz!


"Ahh shut it down" Virat groaned, burying his face onto the pillow.

"You set it up!" AB replied, pulling the blanket over his face.

"Turn it off uhh"

"You do."

"B, please."

"Get up you old ass!" AB yelled, throwing a pillow at Virat, who slept on the bed across him.

The day started just like usual for Virat and AB, two hardworking gentlemen whose mornings are always loud and chaotic. They work at different companies but stay together in a shared home.

"Eat your breakfast!" Virat yelled from his room, straightening his coat for office day.

"Ok" AB muffled, stuffing his mouth with a piece of bread, pacing around the hall in search of his sock.

"Sit down and eat" Virat uttered, sitting down on the dining table, his eyes following AB.

AB paced around until he finally found his sock. He put it on and took a seat across Virat to have a proper breakfast that Virat had prepared for them like everyday.

"This is good" AB uttered, gesturing to the egg dish on his plate.

Virat smiled, "Thanks, B."

"So, how busy are you today?" AB asked, taking a sip of his morning coffee.

Virat raised his eyebrows at him, pretending to think, "Got a two hour meeting in the morning, then a few rounds of testing, another meeting with a new client and finally a weekly meeting with the leader." He spoke out, his voice calm and icy.

"Oh fuck alright." AB cussed, his face scrunching in annoyance.

Virat put down his cutlery, folding his arms and throwing AB a glare, "You must remember I'm older than you. Where is your respect huh?"

AB chuckled, his eyes glistening as he met Virat's, "You can't blame me. I literally learned it from you."

Virat sighed simply, focusing on his food. "Whatever."

"Vi, can you come back earlier today?" AB asked, his tone serious.

"Why? Anything important?" Virat questioned back.

"I mean..." AB paused, trying to come up with a reason. "We should get some groceries I guess?" He blunted out, hoping Virat wouldn't dig in much.

"Groceries?" Virat asked, his eyebrows knitting in confusion, "I can get them myself when I return. I'm the one who cooks after all."

AB let out a sigh, "Can't we go together for once?" He asked, desperately hoping that his friend would say yes.

"We can. But then it's not necessary..." Virat spoke out, his focus on his food, "I can get it myself."

AB let out a heavy breath, quickly getting up from his seat, "Just come back soon if you could. Bye." He uttered, leaving the home shutting back the door.

"Weirdo." Virat muttered.


It was only four in the afternoon when AB rushed back home after pleading his boss for an early leave sighting a personal reason. He drove straight to the supermarket and filled the basket with romantic goods -scented candles, roses from the bouquet section, a box of red velvet cupcakes and a pretty love card.

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