Show me your love.🔞

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A/N: 3000 words of pure smut[ with a little context] !🙈

A lot of you had asked for I came up with this one!

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Virat and AB are back in the room after winning a thriller match. Virat straight away went to bed after a quick shower, denying his participation in the team celebration. However, AB decided to join the team for the night. 

It was into midnight when AB came back to their room. He walked to the bedroom only to find Virat sleeping peacefully. 'God...he's gorgeous.'  he muttered, adjusting Virat's blanket to cover him up warmly. He gently pressed a kiss on Virat's forehead and caressed his cheeks softly...but wait.

'What happened?'  AB uttered to himself on finding Virat's soft cheeks wet with tears. 

He ruffled through his hair slowly, not wanting to disturb his sleeping boyfriend. Virat soon started shifting around and squirmed uncomfortably. He calmed down after a while and found himself a comfy position to sleep in. 

AB decided talk out things with Virat on the next morning and thus got up to get himself ready for bed. He placed his mobile charger in place and refilled his water bottle, placing it on the night stand. He was about to get on the bed but then his eyes fell on something else, something suspicious. 

AB got up again and picked up the piece of paper that was kept on the table near the bedroom door. His eyes grew serious as he read through the words inked out on the sheet. His eyebrows knitted in confusion and his fingers gripped the paper tightly almost crushing it. His gaze shifted to his boyfriend, expression growing more stern and scary. 

It was then, as if he wasn't really sleeping, Virat woke up. He just looked around the room, his eyes stopped moving when it found it's perfect match. 

"Hey..." AB said, his expression softening as a slight smile adorned his face.

"Mmmm" Virat said, seemingly uninterested. 

"This? Sure?" AB asked, gesturing towards the paper in his hands.

"Yes" Virat replied, his eyes fixed on his boyfriend.

"Get up and strip" AB's dominative voice put the room in utter silence. Virat obliged and got off the bed, moving close to AB.

"Mm take it off" AB said again. His gaze never shifting from Virat as he could feel some kind of hurt, sorrow and lust in his boyfriend's eyes. But he would do anything his Virat wants him to do. 

Virat's fingers gripped the hem of his shirt, slightly pulling it up but stopped almost immediately. He sighed and took a step forward, his eyes fixed on AB. 

"What happened?" AB asked, gently caressing Virat's cheeks.

"What if I don't?" Virat asked, his tone rough and low. Their bodies were only inches apart as breath collide in the hot atmosphere, both staring into each other with love and lust that would burst out anytime. 

AB's hands stiffened on Virat's cheeks and the next moment Virat could feel a sharp sting on his left cheek and his ears filled up with a sexy raspy voice.

"I'll make you" AB whispered into Virat's ears. He roamed his hand down Virat's back tracing every inch of him and bringing out every curve in his body. 

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