Ch. 1: A New Face In Town

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Note: I know this pairing is sort of untraditional but I do believe it gave me an opportunity to play with two of my personal favorite fandoms and gave me a chance to try my hand at writing a romance that (hopefully) I made engaging enough to invest a reader's interest in. For those of you who don't skip notes, I hope that you go into this story with an open mind. It's been a while since I've wrote but I had a fun idea and hopefully I can entertain you guys enough to keep reading.

I do not own any of the My Hero Academia characters or Marvel characters depicted in this story.

On a crisp autumn morning in a city known as Musutafu, a cool breeze rustled the fallen leaves that had gathered around the stone walkway of the lavish manor home to the wealthiest family in the city. The tree branches swayed as said breeze pulled a few more leaves from their homes and gently floated towards the ground below. A golden light just moments ago, covered the town, ushering in the start to a brand new day for the brilliant, young hero in training as she began to stir in her bed. Daylight had already begun to intrude its way between the gaps in all of the drawn curtains of the sizable bedroom. Once one of the rays carefully crept its way across her face, a pair of beautiful (yet tired) onyx eyes opened ever so slightly.

*Ding.... *Ding..... *Ding .....
Three electronic chimes came from her cellphone that rested on the nightstand beside her bed. Slowly, she sat up and rubbed her eyes as she tried to transition from a state of restful sleep, to one of consciousness. Reaching to her nightstand, she unplugged her phone from its charging cable and typed in her passcode to unlock it. Three unread messages from a group chat.

Mina Ashido: Wakey wakey YaoMomo!! We all decided to walk to school today remember?

Mina Ashido: I'll never get over how totally huge your house is.... We just turned on your street but we've been able to see it for a few blocks now lol.

Mina Ashido: Are you even awake? Up and at em girl! Mama can't be late anymore or Mr. Aizawa might actually kill me!

A small chuckle left her lips. Her pink friends approach to her life around her was never short of amusing. She typed out a response and hit send.

Momo Yaoyorozu: I'm up. Gotta get ready. Be down in a second. Jiro knows the code to open the gate.

She sat her phone back down and let out a small sigh before getting up and walking into her spacious closet. She used to have no need for alarms to wake her up. She was so used to her daily routine that her body just kind of knew when to wake up on its own. However, after a few weeks at UA and it's famously arduous hero course, and after enduring an attack by a group known as The League of Villains, she had been pushing herself nonstop to become stronger than ever, leaving her body in a seemingly constant state of exhaustion. Even so, her spirit remained high and her combat skills were steadily improving with each passing day.

She began to change out of her pajamas and into her school uniform while she continued to reflect on her time spent in the famous UA hero course. She exited her closet and finished her morning routine, capping it off by tying her hair into her signature ponytail and headed down to greet her friends.

As she defended to the bottom of the stairs in the large foyer, a servant had her school bag in hand as he waited for her.

"Good morning Miss Momo. Your friends are waiting for you outside. Shall I assume you will be walking to school today?" The old man asked with a smile as he handed over her backpack.

"Thank you Mr. Kenichi, and yes I'll be walking today." She responded warmly.

Mr. Kenichi had been employed as the Yaoyorozu family's butler long before she was born. He was practically a part of their family and was treated as such. Ever since young Momo was a little girl, he has looked after her as if she were his own daughter, providing her with the utmost care. "Will you be needing a ride after school?" He asked as she slung her backpack over her shoulder.

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