Ch18: Momo Yaoyorozu Vs. Katsuki Bakugo

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Peter hit the ground hard as his momentum caused him to roll and bounce across the ring, until finally he came to a stop just past the center. The entire stadium had fallen into a stunned silence... Even Present Mic and Aizawa leaned over the large table of the commentary booth, both at a loss for words as they stared wide eyed out the sizable window towards the ring below. Everyone was frozen in shock at what had just transpired before their very eyes and not a single person dared to make a sound... Not even to breath...

Peter's body ached as he began to slowly push himself up from the concrete. He shakily put his feet underneath him one at a time and slowly stood up amongst the deafening quiet... His heavy breathing along with the clacking sounds of ice chunks finding their final resting places were the only things that could be heard in the massive arena. His body trembled as the adrenaline rush continued to course through his veins. He stared forward, completely taken aback by the sight in front of him... There, laying on his side, well beyond the borders of the ring... Was Shoto Todoroki.

Midnight was the first to somewhat come back to her senses as she slowly held the microphone up to her mouth. "T-Todoroki is... Out of bounds!!!" She said in a complete state of disbelief. She noticed the atmosphere of the stadium around her and did her best to try to break the spell that had fallen over the crowd. "PETER PARKER WILL MOVE ON TO THE CHAMPIONSHIP!!!!" She belted out with a plethora of excitement injected into her voice. Her words did the trick as the entire stadium shook with an unbelievable wave of cheers.

Momo's expression of worry shakily turned into one of elation. "H-he did it... OhmyGod he did it!!! He won!!!!" She began to scream with the rest of the crowd as her classmates all joined in. She got up to run towards the tunnel. A smile of pure pride plastered on her face as she ran towards her destination.

Peter hardly even registered the massive tone shift of the entire stadium. Without even the slightest acknowledgement of the heavy praise he was receiving from the crowd, his feet quickly began to move towards the edge of the ring. His friend still hadn't moved. He jumped down, ran to his side, and knealt down as concern began to fill his every thought. His body was still radiating heat...

"Sho!!! Hey!!! Come on buddy, say something!!" He said in a raised voice as Midnight and Cementoss slowly approached the two of them. He did his best to keep himself from panicking. Just as he was reaching a breaking point in his anxiety a slight groan came from the boy and he spoke.

"Why... *Groan... Why the hell didn't you hit Monoma that hard?" He strained to say through the pain.

Peter blinked in disbelief before f zthey both started to laugh... Though Shoto's wasn't nearly as strong due to his condition. Even the two teachers behind them cracked a smile.

"So are you just gonna stare at me or are you gonna help me up anytime soon? Pre-tty sure I have some broken ribs here."

"Oh... Duh!" He chuckled as the maintenance bots appeared behind them. Peter and Cementoss gingerly helped Shoto to his feet and onto the stretcher. Suddenly a realization popped into Peter's mind. "Is this the first time you've ever had to go visit Recovery Girl?"

"Yeah, why?"

Peter started to laugh deviously.

Shoto knew that laugh, and it made him grow uneasy... "Parker... why are you laughing like that? What's in Recovery Girl's office?!" He asked as the robots immediately started towards the stadium's infirmary. "Wait! Hold on! Hey!!!!" The boy's pleas fell on deaf ears... Or... Circuits?... As the droids sped towards their destination.

Finally, Peter was able to take in the moment. He had climbed the mountain that was the UA Sports Festival... Now all that was left for him to do was plant his flag. He felt an overwhelming sense of pride as the cheers continued to ring out. He used to love watching these games with his uncle... He remembered how his aunt would always put out quite the spread for them in front of the living room TV. Ben always rooted for the underdogs, while May would vehemently cheer on the prettiest young lady in the competition to kick whoever's butt she faced off against.... He chuckled at his thoughts... She would have definitely been cheering on Mo if she was still here...

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