Ch 2: A Dynamic Duo

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Note: Full disclosure, this is kind of a longer chapter because I just got a little excited. Hopefully it doesn't drag on too much in some areas. I meant to add in the last note that I would be trying to add as much of the canon story events later on as possible. Hopefully between them and the scenes and situations I create to build the romance I'll be able to tie them together nicely.

Also be sure to leave some comments, I'm really excited to hear what you think of each chapter.

I'll shut up now. I do not own any of the characters depicted in this story.

Momo just sat there and inadvertently stared at the back of her new classmate's head. Before anyone could say a single word to him, Mr. Aizawa instructed Peter to take his seat and had begun his lesson on hero laws. Though the entirety of the class had dozens of their own questions to ask the new addition to the class, they would have to hold onto them for the time being. Their insomniatic teacher had already deemed that they had lost too much valuable time on... "Pleasantries".

She turned her attention to the rest of the classroom (she already knew most, if not all, of the information Aizawa was covering). She noticed that most of her classmates were too distracted to pay any sort of attention to their teacher at the moment. Some were even stealing momentary glances at Peter every time Mr. Aizawa turned around. Mina and Toru, on the other hand, were a different situation entirely. They looked like they were ready to burst and weren't even trying to act like they were present for Aizawa's lecture.

The onyx haired genius shuffled in her seat as she started forming her own questions in her mind. For starters, how on earth was Peter even awake right now?! She had heard Midoriya's detail about him coming here from America and if that were indeed the case, then she could only imagine the jet lag he must be feeling at the moment. There was a 14 hour time difference for crying out loud!

The lecture on hero laws concluded eventually as the day continued to drag by at a snails pace. Subject after subject slowly chipped away the school day. Finally at the conclusion of the last lesson, Aizawa turned around and asked the class if there were any final questions. Not one single hand raised.

"Alright then... I'm taking a nap. You have a few minutes before lunch and I have a sneaking suspicion that you'll be using it to chat. Just keep it down and be ready for hero training after your lunch period. I suggest you eat light unless you want to see your food again later." The man cryptically warned as he zipped himself up in his favorite yellow sleeping bag.

A collective gulp could be heard from most of the students.

Peter just watched in confusion as his teacher actually rolled himself over to face the wall and began to sleep. 'what the hel-' he thought to himself as snoring was heard from the yellow sleeping bag. 'Umm... Alrighty then...'

He started to pack his things away and when he looked up, all (excluding Bakugo) of his new classmates had circled around him like a herd of bison. The dam was about to break...

All at once the interrogation began. Everyone was talking over one another at the same time. It even got so hectic that he could no longer match which voice belonged to which person. Peter couldn't help but chuckle nervously. He was shy around new people. He never was one to draw attention to himself and had miserable luck making friends at his old school. Nobody was ever really interested in Peter Parker and he had come to terms with that long ago. He was a loner back in New York so he obviously thought that the same trend would continue in Musutafu. However, at least for now, it looked like that would no longer be the case.

The onslaught of questions continued, even though he had yet to answer a single one. He found it odd yet flattering. Everyone seemed nice enough....

"I thought I told you to keep the noise to a minimum." Aizawa warned from his spot on the ground. "introduce yourselves like civilized human beings. I promise you won't be getting another warning." Then the snoring continued.

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