Ch6: A Declaration of War

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Note: Hey everyone! Hopefully you're all doing well. Full disclosure, the first 5 chapters were written out before hand so I was able to get them cranked out relatively quickly but now each chapter is being posted as it's finished so the update speed might slow just a tad bit I promise to do everything I can to keep putting out chapters as fast as possible.

This is the last chapter before the start of the sports festival. I love everything about this particular arc and I want to make sure I give it the attention I feel it deserves so please bear with me through the next few chapters. I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far. I really appreciate everyone taking time from your day to read this!

I do not own any of the characters depicted in this story.

"What the heck are they doing here?" Ochako said as an infectious feeling of unease spread throughout the room.

Iida stepped forward, "Who exactly are you people? Do you have business with our class?"

The mob was silent. Peter and Momo looked at them with confusion. None of them looked as if they were in a state of irritation. Peter's sixth sense for danger that some of his classmates had taken to calling his "Spidey Sense" (after "Peter Tingle" was voted a hard no by him and many others) wasn't going off, so there wasn't any imminent threat posed by anyone. Still, the situation class 1A found themselves in was eerie.

"Uhh why is nobody saying anything?" Kaminari questioned as he started to feel uncomfortably paranoid.

At that moment Bakugo rose from his seat with his trademark scowl and furrowed brow plastered on his face. He pushed his way past Denki and headed for the door. "They're scouting out the competition you idiots. We're the class that survived an actual villain attack with no injuries, except for Deku and his brittle bones."

He stepped between Peter and Momo and stood face to face with the large cluster of unfamiliar students.

"Uh oh, what's he doing?" Uraraka whispered to Midoriya.

The secret successor of the world's greatest power seemed to be bracing for the worst as he watched his rival step up to the crowd. "Let's just hope he doesn't explode anybody." He said with a nervous sense of humor.

Iida looked at Midoriya then quickly back to Bakugo and came to the decision that he needed to intervene, but it was a decision that was made too late unfortunately.

Bakugo's eyes drifted from left to right, "At least now they know what a future pro looks like. Now move it extras." He ordered the masses through his growing annoyance.

Peter's eyebrows raised as his eyes darted back and forth between Bakugo and the large crowd.

'Oh shit.' he complained to himself as he calmly stretched an arm in front of Momo and pulled her back into the classroom before stepping in front of her. He mentally readied himself to break up a fight.

The majority of the class became as pale as ghosts.

"That was incredibly rude Bakugo! You can't just go around calling people extras just because you don't know who they are!!!" Iida shouted as he waved his arms frantically like a robot.

"Oh.. no..." Jiro muttered to herself as she looked worriedly at her best friend who was dangerously close to the possible crossfire.

Shoto quickly got out of his seat and began to push through his classmates to reach his friend who was caught in the doorway as a wave of frustration was building amongst the group outside.

Just as tempers we're about to reach a boiling point, a young man with unruly purple hair slipped his way to the front and stood before Katsuki. He spoke with a tone that carried a striking similarity to Aizawa's. "So this is class 1A... I heard you were the group with the most potential out of all the first year hero course students.... I was hoping to come here to find some respectable people, but you just sound like an ass."

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