Ch4: Hospitality

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Note: Hey everyone! Hope you guys are all healthy and well. Things on my end are a bit on the down side lately to be honest. I won't go into too much detail on the matter but it has been really nice to be able to escape into this story each night. It helps give me something to look forward to each day. Even though there hasn't been a lot of traffic on Wattpad, I have noticed the small amount of attention this story is getting of I think as of right now it's up to 40 followers and hovering around 30 favorites. It may not seem like much to some, but to me it really makes me happy that there are people that seem to be enjoying this fic. Thank you guys for supporting this. It means a lot right now.

I do not own any of the characters depicted in this story.....

Peter looked up to find that the entire observation room had apparently cleared because every one of his new classmates were running towards them... Aizawa, All Might, and Nezu included. All of them looked at the two students with an intense mixture of worry and relief.

Peter sat Momo down as all of the girls rushed to her side to make sure she was okay. As they all took turns hugging her, Peter turned away from the crowd and started back for the compromised building. After he had taken a few steps in the opposite direction, he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned around to see his homeroom teacher staring at him questioningly through his long black hair.

"Where are you going Parker?" He asked his student who had a stoic expression on his face. He was obviously bothered by something.

Peter looked up from the ground and met his teacher's eyes. "Bakugo is still on the roof. I was just... I just felt the need to tell him that she's okay."

"He'll find out when he comes down. What's the real reason you have for wanting to go back up there."

He sighed, "I just wanted to tell him that he shouldn't blame himself for what just happened. It wasn't his fault. He was just trying to win the match. I just don't want him to beat himself up over it."

Aizawa seemed satisfied with that answer. "I know you mean well, but you're the last person he's going to want to talk to after losing that fight. It's best that you don't pry. I'll be sure to pass your message along myself." He promised. "You can rest now. You did extremely well today Parker. You surpassed my expectations. This whole class has fully embraced you in just one day. You should be proud of yourself."

Peter's eyes wandered to the group of people in the distance. Everyone had gathered around Yaoyorozu. He nodded at his teacher with a small smile as he began to walk over to join his class with a slight limp in his step.


Momo's heart was still racing as the large group gathered around her. "My, my, what an eventful training session you've had today young Yaoyorozu." Stated All Might, "You've shown so much growth in such a small amount of time. You should be very proud of what you just accomplished. Young Kirishima is a tough opponent."

"I agree, you really impressed me Miss Yaoyorozu. Your combat skills and quick thinking are going to be important assets to you in the future. Keep up all your hard work and continue to improve and you'll surely become an incredible hero one day." complimented Nezu.

"Thank you sir." She bowed as the class began to applaud her. Though so much excitement was taking place around her, the mind of Momo Yaoyorozu was fixated on the boy who, moments ago, held her in his arms.

Kirishima stepped forward from the crowd, freshly pried from the side of the car with the help of All Might's brute strength. He extended his hand towards her. "Glad you're alright vice rep."

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