Ch 3: Ground Beta Brawl!

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Note: Hey there! I just wanted to answer a quick review I got on Fanfiction on the subject of which version of Peter Parker is in this story. While I have much love for the comics I went with a combination of portrayals of Toby, Tom, and Andrew. I'm not sure how good of a job I'm doing attempting to pull it off but this particular Peter is supposed to have my favorite aspects of each actor. Such as Andrew's charisma, Tom's humor, and Toby's intelligence. I've also made slight alterations to Peter's background to fit the story. I hope you guys are enjoying it so far!

This is my first ever time writing a fight so hopefully you guys are as happy with it as I am. Please feel free to let me know what you think.

I do not own any of the characters depicted in this story....

Peter immediately fell into his rhythm. He shot out webs from both hands, sticking them to the side of the nearest building and catapulted himself up to the roof. He let Yaoyorozu lead the way as the pair zipped from building to building as quietly and quickly as possible. The blossoming heroine had created heavy duty suction cup gloves and kneepads and a motorized grappling gun to aid her efforts. Peter was keeping the distance between himself and his partner to a minimum. She had informed him that, while she was familiar with the act of free running, she only did it on rare occasions out of absolute necessity because she had no way to protect herself in the event of a fall. The boy had reassured her that he would keep her safe and that was the only push she needed to go forward.

Peter was sufficiently impressed with his partner's ability to navigate the heights of Ground Beta at such a fluid and speedy pace. It was a feat that required someone to be in peak physical condition. He wasn't afforded the time to admire this as he had to focus.

He was being cautious to not use his webbing whenever possible to avoid leaving any sort of trail that would tip off their opponents to their location. Fortunately, the buildings were closed enough together to jump between them without too much strain or risk. They reached the top of a parking garage and stopped when they heard shouting far off in the distance. The pair looked at each other as Yaoyorozu created a pair of high powered, tactical binoculars. She put them up to her eyes and looked in the direction that the noise was coming from.

Through the lenses she was able to see Bakugo shouting back and forth with Kirishima as they turned the corner from behind a large sky scraper and were headed in their direction. She could barely believe it. They were casually walking right down the middle of the street! She relayed the information to Peter and handed him the binoculars. The webslinger found them almost instantly and began to survey the area around them looking for the best pathway to give Yaoyorozu a perfect surprise attack and the safest jumping distance to the ground.

'There's a good spot.' he thought to himself and handed her back the binoculars. "You see that bank with the concrete awning and huge sign they're walking towards?" He asked while pointing in the direction in question.

She took a look and nodded, "Yeah."

"That's the spot that gives you the best tactical advantage for a surprise attack if you can drop down behind that sign. If you use those buildings to make your way over there, you should be able to avoid their line of sight." He explained, "But you'll have to get moving now to time it right. Give me a signal when you're ready."

"Right!" She nodded before springing into action, leaving the binoculars with Peter.

He watched as his partner masterfully made her way to her vantage point. His foot tapped with anticipation and his heartbeat accelerated. After a couple of minutes he saw what looked like a laser pointer flashing at him from the direction of Yaoyorozu, indicating that she was good to go.

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