Ch16: Bandages

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Note: Hey everyone!!! Not much to say other than that I plan on going back through and polishing up the previous chapters ASAP. I've already been working on them on FF but I wanted to do it here as well. I've also started writing chapter previews at the end of each chapter. I think they're kinda funny and have a lot of fun writing them so I'll be adding those as well! Feel free to check them out if you're interested. Thanks for continuing to read along with my story!!!

Tenya Iida briskly walked down the hallway with his phone in hand. He had left Uraraka and Midoriya in the capable hands of their close mutual friend Tsuyu Asui. The group had taken a liking to the green haired girl ever since her and Midoriya were forced to fight for their lives during the USJ incident. The trio welcomed her into their group with open arms and have become close friends ever since.

Tenya had a great respect for her. She was a very driven young lady with an innocent heart that brightened up the day of whoever she was around. Her bluntness was often the source of many fits of laughter and also served as an effective way to keep her peers grounded in times of great stress. For this reason, he was more than comfortable with leaving his friends in the infirmary under her watchful care.

He always had a desire to reach his destination in a more than timely manner, as all self respecting speed oriented heroes should... Said destination... his assigned waiting room.

He continued to scroll through the contacts of his phone and tapped the call button beside one of them as he pushed the door in front of him open. The phone continued to ring as he made his way to one of the tables and sat down. After a few more seconds, he was sent to voicemail.

"This is Tensei Iida. I'm unable to come to the phone right now. Please leave a message and I will get back to you as soon as I can."


"Hey big brother... It's Tenya... I know you're probably very busy patrolling right now so I'm not sure if you've gotten the chance to keep up with the sports festival... But I made it to the quarter finals! I'm sure mother and father are recording the whole thing... We'll have to watch it together sometime... I can't wait to tell you all about it. I know you've got a lot of people in Hosu counting on Ingenium right now... And a lot of people looking up to you... M-myself included... Be safe and keep making our family proud! We'll talk soon brother..."

He ended the call and sat the phone down on the table in front of him as he began to focus on his upcoming match.

Hosu City Japan, 1:30 P.M.

A cracked phone screen buzzed on the concrete with a picture of Tenya Iida displayed on it. The phone continued to vibrate without rest, as the owner of the device would not be answering it anytime soon... A stream of blood ran down and began to cover the device from the large red pool a few feet away.

A hero clad in silver armor laid there motionless in the crimson liquid with a spiked boot planted firmly between his shoulder blades. The serrated blade of a katana was wedged between the fallen hero's neck and shoulder and was mercilessly ripped back out by a man with a tattered white mask and long black hair. He licked the blood from the corners of his mouth and upon his face grew a diabolically unhinged smile of satisfaction. His raspy voice was the only sound that echoed throughout the alleyway.

"All of you are fakes... Not a single one of you were worthy of the title: hero... Everything I do, is for a greater purpose... To form a better society." He spat on the pile of corpses that laid cut to pieces beside the quickly fading Ingenium.... As the wail of sirens filled the air the man darted off down the alley and out of reach of law enforcement.

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