Ch5: Local Celebrities

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Note: Hey everyone. Back again with another chapter. Not too much to say this time around but I did want to answer a question I got on another platform about what the book Peter gave to Yaoyorozu in the previous chapter was. I had it written to be a specific book (my own personal favorite) but after reading back over it, I made the decision to leave it vague so you guys could imagine it to be whatever book you would like. The worn out grey cover is the same as my copy of Lord of the Rings.

I don't own any characters depicted in this story.....

Peter gently kicked open his apartment door and slowly backed up into the living room carrying his end of his new couch. Angling his end just right it fit through the door without too much trouble. "Alright Brodoroki bring your end through."

Todoroki wedged his end through the door and stopped. "Why do you keep calling me that?" He asked his friend raising an eyebrow.

"Because you're my friend dude!.... And it's funny." Peter responded as they put the new couch in its place in the living room. "Oh.... Alright then." Shoto shrugged as they both sat down on the new couch and exhaled. They decided to order some food and relax after all their efforts.

In just one Saturday morning the two had moved in an entire brand new set of furniture and assembled it all before noon. It was a lot of hard work but they made excellent time.

Peter's first few weeks at UA had seemingly flown by. In that time he had grown quite close to the son of the number two hero. They often hung out at his apartment and trained together after school. Shoto had really become an incredible friend to him. He had even met his sister, Fuyumi, on one occasion where Shoto introduced them over dinner at a sushi restaurant.

Todoroki wasn't the only person Peter had gotten close to though. A certain girl with a knack for creation had also become one of incredible importance to him. She had become the person he always started every day with by meeting her for coffee every morning at the same cafe they had frequented ever since the night of his welcome party. The two were becoming rather playful with each other as well and spent the majority of each night texting until they fell asleep. Though he had never made it known to anyone, he was beginning to feel a magnetic-like pull to her in his heart.

"Thanks again for all your help man. Couldn't have done it without ya." Peter said as he tossed Shoto a can of soda.

"Can't you lift a car?" The red and white haired boy asked as he popped the tab on the can.

"Well... Yeah but that's beside the point. It would've been boring to do this by myself." Peter pulled out his phone and began to order some soba for the both of them when he received a text message.

Momo:) : Hey! How's the redecorating going? Making any progress?

Peter smiled at the screen and typed out his reply:

*Just finished up. About to order me and Todoroki some soba to celebrate a job well done. How was the gym?*

"Is that Yaoyorozu?" Shoto asked as he noticed the smile on Peter's face as he put down his phone.

"Yeah she's wondering how it's going over here." Peter said before taking a sip from his can.

Shoto turned on the TV and put his feet up on the coffee table. "So are you guys dating or something?" He asked in his regular plain tone.

Peter nearly spat out his drink. "N-no.... Why do you ask?"

"Because you guys are always texting each other... I'm pretty sure you're the only guy in school she talks to consistently.... And you guys also go to the same cafe every morning before school.... And you smile every time you text her..... And she stares at you a lot..... And you call her by her first name... An-"

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