Ch11: Digging Your Own Grave

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"Where are those two?! Don't they know it's almost time to head out there?" Tenya Iida said impatiently as his foot tapped against the concrete ground. As class representative, he took it upon himself to gather everyone together. Punctuality was, after all, an extremely important quality of any self respecting hero.

Unfortunately, however, he was unable to locate the last two of the eleven members of his class who made up the final sixteen.... And the time to get out onto the field was nearly at hand.

"Maybe they didn't hear the announcement..." Midoriya said with a hint of concern in his voice.

"They'll be here..." Tokoyami said with his eyes closed as he leaned against the wall.

Momo pushed down her anxiety as she looked around the group. 'C'mon Peter... Where are you?!' She was seriously beginning to worry. Tournament rules clearly stated that those not present in a timely manner for the revelation of the tournament bracket would face disqualification.

As her eyes fell on Bakugo standing by himself, she noticed the blonde's head raise from the ground and began to stare down the hallway.

She turned her attention to the direction of his gaze and exhaled in relief.

"There they are!" Pointed out Uraraka.

Peter and Shoto both walked silently with their hands concealed in the pockets of their uniforms. A strong sense of focus flashed in their eyes. Neither of them seemed the slightest bit nervous about what the bracket had in store for them... They were strangers to the word fear. No matter who the two faced, they were determined to come out on top. As they marched forward, the group got a good look at them.

"Holy crap.... Those two are going to absolutely destroy whoever they get matched up against..." Ashido said in a voice no louder than a whisper as she gulped.

Momo was completely captivated by the appearance of strength that radiated from Peter, only snapping back to her senses when his stoic expression turned into a smile as he saw her face. She matched his grin. She no longer had anything more to prove to herself... Now her motivation was to impress him... To show him that his efforts to help her were not in vain. She would not be denied a spot on that podium when everything was finally settled.

"Nice of you two to join us... Alright everyone! Let's go make our families and our other classmates proud!" Iida said with a mixture of irritation and relief as he pushed his glasses against the bridge of his nose.

Momo trotted up to Peter's side and he turned to her as the rest of the class began to pass them by. "You nervous?" He asked as they began to walk forward bringing up the rear.

She offered a smirk of confidence. "Nope."

"Adda girl..." He grinned as he glanced ahead of him. "There's not a single person here that you aren't capable of beating Mo... Go out there and show them what you can do."

She felt her heart thump harder at his words of encouragement. It was exhilarating. The way he spoke to her always made her feel like she could take on any challenge. She nodded her head as she began to steady her breathing.

Standing alone in one of the tunnels, Shinso stood ready to walk into the stadium. His eyes remained gazing ahead of him as he clenched and released his fists. He was in an unprecedented situation. He couldn't remember ever seeing anyone outside of the hero and support courses making it to the final round. As he listened to the rumblings of the crowd, he couldn't help notice that the tunnel felt much bigger than it had before... 'I will... Be a hero...'

As class 1A exited the tunnel, they were met with a thunderous round of applause as the bright sunlight washed over them. They all locked their eyes forward on both Midnight and Cementoss, who stood upon a brand new ring that had been build during the intermission, courtesy of the latter. The students gathered at the edge of the ring as they were joined by the three contestants from class B, Shinso, and Hatsume.

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