Ch8: This Isn't A Team Effort...

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The race for first place was a competitive one. Momo's slight lead she had managed to take was slipping as Peter finally closed the gap between him and Shoto and were now neck and neck trying to reclaim the lead from the girl in question. They were now close enough for her to hear their voices as they picked back and forth at one another.

"You're just determined to be a problem for me today aren't you Parker." Shoto said as he pushed himself even harder, widening his stride.

Peter grinned under his furrowed brow as he matched Shoto's speed. "Sorry man! You looked a little lonely up here in first place all by yourself! We just figured that we'd come keep you company!"

The three in the front continued on as the lead continued to change hands between them.

"WHAT A START TO THE FIRST ROUND AS WE HAVE A THREE WAY RACE FOR THE LEAD AS THEY HEAD TOWARDS THE SECOND OBSTACLE!!!" Present Mic continued to spur on the crowd as Aizawa watched behind them as each of his students began to make their own chase towards the three front-runners.

Class 1A was living up to all the hype so far as they charged forward with a pace that was unmatched by the other contestants. As the race continued, it was all about the hero courses of class 1A and 1B as they began to find their stride. Slowly but surely, the hoard was beginning to make up ground on the three in the front, but none were moving quite as fast as Bakugo as he tore through the air with a look of death in his eyes.

Peter, Momo, and Shoto were pushing themselves hard as they rounded the first curve. Shoto gave consideration to using his quirk again but decided against it. A precision move would almost certainly miss at the pace they were moving and he couldn't afford to sacrifice any speed at the moment. He had no choice than to leg it out for now.

'Come on Momo push harder! You can do this! Just pace them for now and make another leap forward at the next obstacle! Just keep breathing!' the girl mentally encouraged herself. Todoroki was beginning to pull ahead. She allowed herself to glance towards Peter...

'Wait... Why is he slowing down?!'

Peter's Spidey Sense was going off the charts. Something was wrong. They had been running unhindered for too long. They had to be coming up on the second obstacle... but what was it?! And why was he sensing so much danger?! His pace instinctively began to slow down. Suddenly out of the corner of his eye he spotted a metallic claw stretching out towards him...


Midoriya was struggling. Todoroki's ice trap had set him back at the very beginning of the race as he clumsily made his way off of the ice. He was the last hero course student to escape the door way. Using his quirk wasn't an option at the moment. He couldn't afford to break himself. He had to get by on his physical conditioning and his quick thinking. Luckily for him, his training with All Might translated well into his non-quirk related physical abilities. He still wasn't too far behind to lose hope yet. If he ran as hard as he could, he could catch up to the first forty two!

As he sprinted, ignoring the burning sensation in his lungs, he found that luck was on his side as it seemed that a large group of students had stopped for some reason...

He didn't question it. Instead he weaved his way between the motionless competitors but then skidded to a stop himself as his eyes grew wide.


Peter slid to his knees and leaned backwards parallel to the ground, gliding  underneath the outstretched claw of a green training robot. "Hey! Bad touch!" He said unable to help himself.

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