Ch9: Cavalry Battle Royal!!!!

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"And since Izuku Midoriya claimed first place in the last round.... He will be worth TEN MILLION!"

All Might looked down at his protege, who was frozen in a sense of dread, from his seat in the stands. The number one hero felt for him, truly he did.... But this particular situation was beyond necessary for the young successor to familiarize himself with. The feeling of being a target everyone is aiming for, was a cross that whoever would step into the role of the symbol of peace would have to bear. A burden that could only be shouldered by the person to call themselves number one. Not only were other heroes trying to climb their way up to take the spot for themselves, there would also be villains wanting to take his head.

'Now you understand what it means to be at the top of the mountain young Midoriya.... You must find a way to overcome this challenge.'


Midnight watched as the students reacted to the revelation. Certainly now, things would continue to get even more interesting. She snickered at the boy's predicament before continuing to explain the rest of the rules.

"You will have fifteen minutes to group yourselves into teams... Once your team has been chosen, your captain will receive a headband with the total number of points your group is worth all together. You will earn points by stealing the other teams headbands... All stolen headbands must be worn from the neck up and there is no limit to how many you can take. Quirk use will be under no limitations. The top four teams with the most points will move on to the final round!" Her face became stern.

"However, if your rider touches the ground at any point or if you purposely knock a rider from their horses, I'll deal you a red card and your team will be disqualified! You're time to form your teams will start now! Be sure to choose wisely..." As she finished speaking, a fifteen minute countdown started to tick down on the multiple screens around the stadium. The Second round had officially begun....


As the students began grouping themselves together, the televised broadcast began to show the highlights from the first round. Pro heroes from all over the world took notice, especially of the ones who finished in the top five. Even those tasked with guarding the massive event huddled around the TV in the break room to get a little bit of scouting done.

"OH MY GOD! Kamui!!! Get over here quick! I found your quirk twin." Mount Lady shouted.

The masked hero stood up from his seat and made his way over to the television set. "Huh, the kid from America... would you look at that!" He said in surprise as Peter's highlight real began to play.

"Are you gonna put in an offer for him?" She asked the man who continued to watch the clips.

"Well I probably will, but it doesn't look like there's much he could learn from me..." He said as he brought hand up to stroke his chin.

Death Arms and Mount Lady looked at him in confusion, "What do you mean? His quirk is nearly identical to yours!" The man said as he took a long drag from his cigarette.

"Not exactly... Take a look. His quirk is far more versatile than my own. He's incredibly strong. If I were trying to hold up that behemoth of a machine I'd be flattened in an instant. Everything I could teach him would involve his capture abilities and mobility from his webs, and he already has a nearly perfect mastery of those aspects of his power. There's nothing I could really do to further his growth."

"I guess I see what you mean... I wonder where he'll end up...." Lady concluded as she continued to watch the screen with interest.


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