Ch7: Sports Festival Start!!!

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"Mom I'm trying to tell you he's not my-"

"What's his name? When did you two meet? How long have you been hiding him from us? Does he go to UA as well? When are you going to let your father and I meet him?..." The questions from her mother had not stopped since she was pulled into the house. They just kept coming... One after another, like a barrage of bullets, none of which she had time to answer before the next. It was as if her brain was running too fast to function.

"Mother...Mother!.... MOM!..." The poor girl desperately tried to get her mother to calm down enough for her to get a word in edgewise. She turned back to her father, and rolled her eyes, "Well dad, is it everything you could have possibly wanted?"

Her mother continued to fire off rapid inquiries in the background. Her father rubbed the back of his head as his glasses began to drop down slightly. "It's actually way more than I expected...In fact, it's kinda starting to scare me... Hon..... Hon!..... YANA??"

The avalanche of questions finally stopped as her mother was broken from whatever spell of mania had just taken over her. "Oh my goodness I'm so sorry! I don't quite know what just came over me..." She turned to her daughter again, "Now then... Everyone into the nearest living room. I'm going to make us some tea and then you can tell us everything." Her mother ordered and sprung off into the kitchen.

Momo sighed and looked at her father, "Why is she like this?"

Her father was a tall man with the same long jet black hair as his wife and daughter except he kept his a tad shorter, falling to about shoulder level. He had untied his hair letting it fall naturally as he tended to do outside of his work life. Her father was a very kind man with a humorous personality, and his family meant the world to him. Though carefree and easy going at home, he was extremely intelligent with a flair for invention. His intellect paired well with his quirk, which gave him the ability of transmutation. He could take any object and turn it into something completely different as long as the two objects shared at least one similarity, which he used to help build his support items business into an empire of generational wealth.

He pushed his glasses back up on his face and patted his daughter's shoulder as he chuckled. "Go easy on her kiddo, your mom has been sitting in boring business meetings with a lot of dull people over the past couple of weeks. I think she's just been deprived of a little excitement lately..." He told her cheerily, "Besides, you're her whole world, this is big news for her!"

Momo couldn't help but smile at the words of her father. "Well, in any case, if I have to go in there then so do you two." She stated bluntly as she led them both into the room her mother was waiting in.

Mr. Yaoyorozu turned to Mr. Kenichi, "I'm curious... Did you already know about this?" He asked with a grin.

Mr. Kenichi cracked a smile, "I might have been sworn to a short period of secrecy..." He winked as the two men made their way to the living room.

Everyone sat down around a small table as Yana placed down a silver tray and poured everyone some tea. The lady of the house was a genius in her own right as well. She was an extremely savvy woman who had graduated at the top of her class from the finest business school Japan had to offer. She was extremely beautiful as well. Some people close to her growing up even expected her to become a supermodel due to her quirk, which allowed her to instantly burn any amount of fat from anywhere on her body. However, she was far from vain as she hardly ever used her quirk at all. Her belief was that true beauty came from within a person. She was just as free spirited as her husband, making them an extremely compatible couple and an effective team to run their family business.

When she met Takashi Yaoyorozu, her heart began to beat differently from that moment forward. He was referred to her for a consultation meeting by one of his colleagues when he was just getting his young business off the ground. When they met, they talked for many hours... But they never made it to the subject of his professional proposal. From that point forward, the rest was history.

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