Ch 20: Rematch!!

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The very second he stepped off of the train, the whispers began. The well being of Tensei Iida was on everyone's mind... And was the subject of nearly every verbal exchange that took place around the city. Young Tenya was doing everything in his power to hold back his emotions. It was a living nightmare. Torment and mental anguish seemed to lurk around each and every corner... The quiet conversations centered around his brother, felt more like screams.

The life of Hosu's most beloved hero... Stood upon the edge of a knife.

He was forced to push his way through a sizable media crowd in order to enter the hospital... The police officers tasked with keeping the horde at bay immediately recognized him. The UA gym uniform, the... Oddly huge calves... and the striking resemblance to the injured hero were all dead giveaways as to who the young man was.

They quickly stepped aside as he fought his way past the media members.

The main entrance of Hosu General Hospital burst open as Tenya sprinted past the receptionist's desk. His feet moved at a pace unrivaled while his mind was barely able to function. Anyone who was familiar with the speedster, knew that he made it a top priority to follow and respect each and every rule to the letter. It didn't matter where he was going or what he was doing, if there were specific rules or guidelines in place, he made a conscious effort to strictly adhere to them... But as he sped down the hallways, he blatantly ignored each person who told him to stop running.

There was nothing on this Earth that would stop him from reaching his family as fast as possible.

Each footstep carried him closer to the answer of a question he never wanted to entertain... Was his big brother... His idol.... His inspiration... His everything... Going to die?

He continued to run until he found his mother and father pacing back and forth in front of the door to his brother's room. The sound of fast approaching footsteps alerted them to his presence.


"Tenya!" His mother gasped as she threw herself into his arms.

"I-i-i-is h-he..."

"He's gonna make it... But he was extremely lucky... The blade that stabbed him missed his artery by less than a centimeter." A voice interjected from behind the boy.

The young man breathed a sigh of relief as he turned to see Hosu General's top surgeon.

"Unfortunately, his central nervous system was irreparably damaged... He'll never walk again."

His mother did her best to stifle her sobs as his father tried to console her while fighting back tears of his own.

Tenya froze.

It felt like his world had just fallen apart. The air left his lungs. 'Never..... Walk again?...'

How could this be?... He was... Ingenium... The hero who raced towards danger without fear or hesitation... The ultimate first responder to answer any Hosu citizen's cry for help...

Without his legs.... His career... It was over...

"You can go see him if you wish... But keep in mind that's he's still probably feeling the fallout from his emergency surgery. He may be a bit out of it. His recovery now depends on recuperation and rehab... He'll need to prioritize his rest, so try to keep it short."

Iida could only nod silently as he forced himself to approach the door. There was no mental preparation for what he would face on the other side of it... He shakily grabbed the handle and pushed it down.

There on the bed, bound by tubes, wires, and numerous machines.... Was his hero.

His body shifted into auto pilot as he approached the bed.

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