Ch13: Asking For A Friend

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"And.... There.... You.... Go! All done! You're fingers should be as good as new now... Though I get a sneaking suspicion that I'll just be fixing them up again after your next match..." Recovery Girl sighed as she put the roll of medical tape she was using back in one of the drawers of a large table.

Izuku looked down at his hand as he moved each individual finger with ease. "Thank you... I'll try not to keep you too busy." He smiled as the old lady just waved a hand at his apology.

"Ahh it's quite alright... I suppose it is what I'm here for after all... I just don't want to see the day that you break yourself so terribly that I can't put you back together." She responded with a hint of concern in her old voice as she handed the boy some candy.

After looking back down at his newly bandaged hand again, he raised his head in the direction of his mentor. "So those shadows I saw earlier were really the previous weilders of One for All... That would explain why the blurriest one looked like you.... Did you ever see them?"

"Only once in my younger years... Shortly after my predecessor was killed. It seemed like it was her way of saying a final goodbye." The skeletal symbol of peace said lowly.

"Did they activate your power?"

"No... As far as I know you're the first person they've ever physically interacted with... They must have a strong connection with you...."

Izuku closed his hand as an ominous sense of purpose flowed through his mind... But what that purpose was exactly was not yet clear to him.

"Don't focus on this too much right now kid, you've still got a match ahead of you, and a tough one at that. You should go and get back to your class. We'll talk more about this after the festival."

Midoriya nodded as he got up to leave. After closing the door behind him, he moved at a brisk pace towards his section. Upon his arrival he realized just how long he had been gone. One of the television screens in the hallway just outside the entrance to the seats designated for his class showed the current tournament bracket. The round of sixteen was in the middle of its seventh match. 'I MISSED FIVE WHOLE MATCHES?!?!?!'

As that very thought crossed his mind he became aware of the sound of Hatsume's voice over what sounded like a speaker system. He rushed out to see what was going on and found Iida in the middle of what looked like a live commercial for the pink haired girl's support items.

Nobody looked thrilled to be sitting through the seemingly endless showcase of gadgets that Mei was marketing towards the boxes for support company executives.

"What's going on?" The green haired boy questioned as everyone turned to him.

"Hatsume is busy using our class rep like a puppet to show off all her stuff she brought...." Kirishima said in a tired voice.

"~Iida just wants to be a real boy!~" Peter joked in a high pitched Pinocchio impression, earning a hard laugh from nearly everyone around him.

Shoto just stared as Jiro nearly fell out of her seat laughing. "I don't get it..."

Peter leaned back in his seat and looked at his friend. "Next time you're at the apartment, we're binge watching some movies my guy."

"Only if you make food."


"Wait... You cook?" Jiro raised an eyebrow.

"I know how to throw a few things together." He said as he shifted his body so that Midoriya could get to his seat down the aisle.

"He's trying to be humble." Shoto sold him out. "He makes better food than Lunch Rush."

"What?!" Jiro and Mina said in unison as Peter scratched the back of his head. Momo began to figuratively sweat as she realized that she never told the two about the stir fry he had made for her. Not telling them about him coming to dinner was one thing... But when it came to food, her best friends didn't mess around.

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