Ch17: Shoto Todoroki Vs. Peter Parker

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Beyond the massive crowds that had clustered around the outside of the giant colosseum... Through the hoards of spectators that had gathered inside... Past the sections that were designated for the students who participated in the games... Deep into the hallways that made up the inner workings of the massive stadium... Inside an empty waiting room, laid a cellphone on a folding table.

The lonesome device suddenly vibrated with life for the sixth straight time as the word "Mother" was displayed across the screen. The phone continued to buzz without an answer once again as the owner stepped into the large ring in the middle of the arena.


The members of class 1A looked on as their class rep stepped into the ring.

"Do you think Iida has a chance?" The gravity defying brunette asked the boy with unruly green hair beside her.

Midoriya looked on intently with an expression of great concern. "I wish I could say yes... But I don't know... Kacchan is a bad matchup for him... At least in a ring setting, and the closer he gets to the finals, the more ruthless he'll become..."

Ochako Uraraka returned her attention to the two fighters who waited for the green light to start their battle. Worry for her friend began to plague her mind... She was more than familiar with the kind of power the blonde headed time bomb was capable of...

Peter furrowed his brow as he stared down at the ring, then suddenly he turned to the girl to his left. She was set to face the winner of this fight in the semi finals. He watched her and could tell her mind was already focused on observing every move that would be made in this fight. Ever since her last match ended, he noticed something inside her had finally clicked. She carried an aura about her that seemed to radiate confidence. He loved it. It drew his attention to her even further. She was magnificent. She was beautiful. She was strong... She is Momo Yaoyorozu... And her fighting spirit had finally reawoken.

He finally pulled himself from his trance and managed to speak to her. "This fight isn't going to last long... I think you already know who's about to walk away from this with the win..."

Her eyes remained forward as she offered a response, "Yeah... I somehow knew this would happen as soon as the bracket was revealed." She turned to face him and he stared into the two beautiful pools of obsidian that he found himself captivated by time and time again. A cheeky grin crept across her face as she spoke words that sent his heart into overdrive, "Good thing my new workout partner is a lot stronger..." She winked at him.

He reached inside himself and pulled forth his usual charisma from his enthralled state, "Hey, I'm more than happy to keep our routine going if you are..."

She smiled softly at him, "I'd like that..."

The two girls to the left of her cooed mockingly at the antics of their love struck friends.

Momo smirked deviously at her two best friends, "Sounds like you guys want to tag along with us..."

Mina and Jiro turned pale at the suggestion and shook their heads nervously. "N-no that's o-okay..." Mina stammered as she forced an apologetic smile.

"Yeah, I think I'm good... I'd quite literally rather put toothpicks underneath my toenails and kick a wall, than go through that specific layer of hell again..." Jiro agreed as she shuttered at the thought of trying to survive a workout with the both of them... YaoMomo almost killed her on her "light day"... Adding Parker to that particular fold seemed like a very bad idea to her.

Midnight's voice suddenly filled the air around the stadium. "CONTESTANTS TENYA IIDA AND KATSUKI BAKUGO, CONGRATULATIONS ON ADVANCING TO THE QUARTER FINALS!! THIS IS THE LAST MATCH OF THE SECOND ROUND!! ARE YOU TWO READY TO SHOW US WHAT YOU'VE GOT?!" She shouted as the crowd began its regular rumble. Her hand raised above her head.

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