Solar System Disco

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"Light up my eyes and I won't get lost,
So watch over me, Regulus
On the first magnitude star in the dark,
We're connected by interwoven thread"

The moon shone down upon Medkit through his bedroom window, the stars twinkling in the sky as if all the world was a stage, shimmering amongst each other. The light was especially bright tonight- it felt as if if he closed his eyes, it would not be totally dark. To test that theory, he closed his eyes. Pure darkness. He attempted to drift off to sleep, holding his eyes closed for however long, and yet he felt restless. Lately he had been tired during the phights, so Medkit tried to fix his sleep schedule. It seemed that he would be failing tonight as he tried to cover himself with the blanket and sleep soundly much to no avail. His mind wandered the dream realm, not entering but lingering at the door. His thoughts were drifting through slowly, Medkit losing himself in his own thoughts as they subconsciously led him back.

Back to Subspace Tripmine. He huffed in annoyance. The inventor was in the corners of his mind at all times, delving through his dreams and keeping him awake. Medkit couldn't help but be drawn towards him ever since he'd left Blackrock. He had never liked Subspace- they were different from each other in every way possible. They were so incompatible that it was stupid to keep dreaming about him. Medkit opened his eyes in annoyance, the same night sky greeting him. He went up to the window. It was rather large, allowing him to peer through the vast darkness of the galaxy. Medkit wasn't all that into astronomy or anything of the sort, but he looked to the only constellation he knew- Leo. He blinked up at the cluster of stars, admiring it almost. One star shone brighter than all of the others in the constellation though he forgot what it was called. It almost reminded him of-

God, Medkit, everything reminds you of Subspace . He reprimanded himself. The clouds look like one of his tripmines, you think a square reminds you of his Comet Carnage, you see the color pink and go "Ohhh! It's Subspace!! It's Subspace!!!! I love you Subspace!!" Get it together. Medkit sighed. He wondered if Subspace was looking up at the same night sky that he was. He wondered if the stars shone for the two of them. It was stupid, sure, to think about the scientist. He ripped out Medkit's eye, for fucks sake. It was just embarrassing for Medkit to be crushing on him as much as he was but he couldn't help himself . His mind contradicted itself, hating but loving Subspace Tripmine at the same time. It was downright pathetic. Medkit wondered what Subspace would think if he knew he was thinking things about him like this. "Haha, you're joking right?! Meddy! You're so embarrassing, crushing over me! It's pathetic you think I'd ever like you back. You're such a miserable worm, aren't you?" Medkit's heart hurt at the, for all he knew, accurate depiction of Subspace. He knew Subspace was just trying to get a rise out of him, liked seeing him squirm, liked pushing his buttons, but Medkit was growing to find it so endearing. He hated, and yet loved hearing Subspace's raspy, rotten voice, whether it was degrading him or singing his stupid nickname, Medkit didn't care.

Medkit just needed Subspace- he didn't know whether he needed to hate him or love him, he just knew he needed him by his side. Til death do them part.

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