Ew- just ew.

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gift for undivinity (ao3) i love you


Medkit drummed his hand onto Subspace's arm, the inventor sprawled out on him rather uncomfortably, but he couldn't bother to care- he'd get up soon. Worst case scenario? In five minutes, if Subspace wasn't off, he'd just get up with him still on him and watch him tumble off. That would be funny. Medkit laughed at the idea. He patiently waited through the minutes for Subspace to get off, before his weight started to compress him. "Alright, Subspace, get off me." Medkit called, earning a twitch from the scientist. He didn't say anything. He waited twenty more seconds, beginning to feel Subspace's weight almost crush him further. "You're done, get off." Medkit moved to sit up when he suddenly felt a... downright gross sensation. Wet and slimy and rancid- good god, what the hell? He immediately shot up, disgust washing over his entire body. He heard Subspace giggle as he slid off of him.

"Subspace- that is genuinely gross- why the fuck would you do that?" Medkit was positive his expression looked absolutely horrified. Subspace was up too now, turned to face him and a stupid rotted lopsided grin on his maw. All he did was snicker. "Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeey, Meddy!!!" he eventually giggled. He climbed back on top of him again, practically pinning him to the bed, and licked his face. Medkit felt inner turmoil roil inside of his stomach. What the fuck got into Subspace? "Do you enjoy causing me great suffering?" Medkit deadpanned, ready to push Subspace off of him. He tried shoving him off, but Subspace only grabbed his hand and licked it again. Medkit was just about done with Subspace's bullshit. "Subspace, seriously stop, or I'm leaving." At this point, it was futile. The doctor knew there was no convincing Subspace out of a stupid idea. He'd continue for at least three more hours, tormenting the doctor in any way he saw fit, which was currently licking him with his rotted tongue. Medkit stood up and got ready to walk away, but Subspace grabbed his hand with all his strength; which wasn't much, admittedly.

Subspace gave Medkit the best puppy-dog eye he could muster. "Cmon, Meddy..." he clutched the doctor's arm like it was the only thing saving him from falling off a cliff. "You're so dramatic." Medkit looked down on him with an expression of contempt. "But... Meddddddddyyyyyy..." Subspace whined. "I need you! I'll rot away and die without you, and you know it! Why're you so cruel?! I can't believe you..." It wasn't going to work on Medkit. He only used his other hand in an attempt to get Subspace off of him, trying to wedge his hand off of his arm. "It's time to do other things, Subspace. Let it go." Medkit huffed, exasperated and done with his bullshit. "Oh, fine!! If you insist!!" "Finally." Subspace crawled up to him with one swift movement and licked his face one 'final' time while holding his shoulders, quickly this time and he got his saliva all over Medkit's mouth and cheek. Medkit instantly shriveled up and recoiled. Subspace released his grasp, giggling all the while Medkit stormed out of the room.

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