Hot Coffee, Hotter Cocoa

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mmmm subspace and medkit go out for a cup of coffee :33 and then they both snuggle into their arms x3"


Subspace looked around his laboratory, feeling particularly uninspired. He was working on a new aquatic model for the Biografts, but he'd only come up with a Biograft with a floatie around zeir waist. Maybe it'd appeal to children, at least...? He sighed, throwing his head in his hands in frustration, pulling down his eyebags. What to do, what to do!? He hadn't been this uninspired ever since Medkit left Blackrock... Medkit. He blinked multiple times quickly, trying to clear his thoughts to no avail. He hadn't been able to clear his mind of the doctor for days now and it was beginning to seriously impede his work ethic- even nerfing him during phights. He heard Medkit say "You guys could use someone with a PhD." after his team won, and Subspace's first immediate thought was "I could use you." . He needed to get his head in the goddamn game- it wasn't normal to think so lovingly about your mortal enemy. Subspace wanted to get closer to Medkit, find out what was so alluring about him, but he was absolutely sure Medkit would reject any and all advances. He leaned back in his chair annoyedly, but shot up when he heard a ding from his phone. Who could that be?

His eyes scanned the screen, falling onto a notification. "Wanna get coffee?" Medkit asked. Subspace hurried to type back.

MK: Wanna get coffee?

SS: Sur



SS: Surr

Subspace furrowed his eyebrows, sheepish at his embarrassingly quick reply and his typos. He hadn't spent time with another person in a good while aside from the phights, and to spend time with Medkit only sweetened the deal. It was a little odd for a coffee outing now- the sun was setting, but Subspace didn't question it. He tried again, slower this time..

SS: Sure!!

SS: When and where is good for you?

Finally. He internally celebrated, hand pumping the air in satisfaction.

MK: Now, preferably. At Slingshot's. But I'm all right with waiting for you.

There was something in that for you that made Subspace's heart skip a beat. He wondered if this was all a trick- if this was his way of getting revenge on Subspace for ripping his eye out- showing him up. Wait, now?!

SS: Now is all good!! See you there!!!!!

Subspace jumped out of his chair, scrambling to check out of his office. "Tripmine, where you going? Did you check out?" "On my way!!" he called back, quickly signing his name on a slip of paper and bolting out of the door and rushing home. He practically kicked his own door down, bolting to his room to get prepared. Throwing his wardrobe open, he saw... The same outfit. Multiple times. He internally cursed. How could he let this happen!? He wrenched open his drawers and blessedly saw a different outfit. His exorcist, jester, and cute outfit all laid neatly folded. He didn't remember folding his clothes- that was odd. He decided to wear the exorcist outfit's shirt, pants, and eyepatch- ditching the cross, coffin, and wing motif on the back. He hurriedly slipped it on, adjusting the eyepatch in the mirror before running out with the same consistent urgency- but he had to run back inside to get his mints. He ran inside his house, grabbed a pack of spearmint candies on his dresser as well as a set of plastic utensils just in case- he wasn't a fan of metal ones, and downed the spearmints all in one go before dashing outside, mouth tingling as he ran.

Slingshot's cat cafe, thankfully, was not too far from his house. He practically sprinted over to the blue building, charging through Crossroads. A few civilians gave him dirty looks, but he couldn't be bothered to care. His primary focus was getting to Medkit, and he blinked around as he finally pulled up to the cyan establishment. Medkit wasn't there yet. He cursed under his breath. You tell someone to get there now and they don't! This is what happens when you expect anything of a no-good traitor. Subspace sighed, walking into the entryway anyways. Maybe when Medkit would get there, because he certainly would show up , he'd comment on Subspace's timeliness and seem impressed. He smiled at this conclusion and he took a seat. "Hello, Subspace." Slingshot greeted, setting a menu on his table. Subspace didn't know if he'd actually eat anything due to his gas mask. "Thank you!!" he chirped, sliding the menu into his hands. "Will you be ordering soon or are you waiting for someone?" Slingshot asked, fidgeting with his hands. "Uh... waiting!!" Subspace replied, and he watched Slingshot walk away to attend to other's orders. The inventor skimmed through the menu casually, eyes flickering through the pages as a way to pass the time.

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