All I Really Need Are Things I Like

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"can you do subspace going through a bpd split at medkit and medkit trying to comfort and being patient with her through it"


"Hey, Meddy! I missed you!!!" Subspace cooed, pouncing on Medkit as soon as he walked through the door. "Hello, Subspace." Medkit smiled. "Where were you??" he took the doctor and led him to their bed. It was late at night, but Subspace still looked disheveled. "Why do you look so rough?" Medkit asked, cupping his cheek to look at his rotting face, mouth lopsided and fangs poking out even with his mouth closed. That wasn't his focus though, his hair even more matted and tangly than usual, his eyebags darkened. "...Did you just call me ugly?" Subspace blanked. "I finally found the truth about you, didn't I? You've always been so two-faced!!" Subspace accused, lurching away from Medkit's grasp.

"No, Subspace, I'm worried about you." Medkit sighed. "Oooh. I knew I could count on you!! You're so perfect to me, Meddy!!!" Subspace lunged forward, embracing him. Medkit hesitated to return the gesture, not going unnoticed by the inventor. "What is up with you!? You can't even hug me back!! What did I do wrong? Huh?! Why do you hate me all of a sudden?!" Subspace's voice continued to raise. "No, Subspace, it's okay. I don't hate you. Just breathe." Medkit held Subspace firmly, choosing to be patient with him. "I'm exhausted. I hate being this way. Why don't you hate me? Do you hate me? Are you just gonna leave me? Why wouldn't you?" Subspace wailed, tears beginning to prick up from his eye. They slid down his cheek and Medkit wiped them away.

"Don't worry, Subspace. It's ok. I'm not leaving anytime soon." Medkit took Subspace and gestured to the head of the bed, urging him to lay down. He did, and Medkit followed suit after. "You're- sob - always so loving... I love you so much, Meddy... You're so perfect..." Medkit took him again in his arms, and Subspace buried his face into the crook of his neck.

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