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Subspace watched Medkit intently. He'd not responded to any of Subspace's leering, which made him think that he finally bettered himself- the traitor did something right!- but he noticed Medkit hadn't even talked much to Sword. Or anyone, for that matter. He didn't even answer much to Scythe- his boss, for SFOTH sake!- so Subspace, as much as he did not want there to be, knew that something was up. But why should he care? He hates Medkit. Absolutely loathes the doctor. And yet... he's inclined to investigate. To want to know what's wrong. During a particularly dull intermission, Subspace approached Medkit. Intermissions are much longer than the people think they are, five minutes on TV but half an hour-an hour on real time. It's tons of work, constantly being in battle, especially with Subspace's constantly deteriorating body. This next phight is the last phight of the day, so phighters are in the lobby for longer. Medkit briskly walked up to the Blackrock castle, none of the phighters were there already due to the alluring call of Roger and Rojer, and Subspace would normally be with them if he wasn't so intrigued.

"Hellooooo, Meddy!!" he called, hopping into the almost cave-like room in the castle, a dark empty space with only the deer inside. "What, Subspace? Here to irritate me even more?" he scoffs, sitting on the floor. Subspace takes a seat next to him, prepared to chat his ear off. "Well, no! I'm here to help, actually, aren't I so nice?! You should be grateful to be graced with the great Subspace T. Mine's pr-" Medkit quickly clasped off Subspace's gas mask and clamped a hand over his mouth. "Stop that." he mumbled, hand still tightly clamped over Subspace's rotted mouth. Subspace licked his hand, getting his saliva all over the doctor, and that immediately got Medkit's hand off of the scientist's maw. "Subspace, what the fuck?" Medkit turned to him with an exasperated expression and a flushed face. It wasn't like Medkit to blush- at all- the inventor didn't take Medkit as someone to catch feelings. Subspace smiled at him, sharp teeth visible through his rotten mouth. "It got you off me, didn't it, huh Meddy!!" he snickered. Medkit stared back at Subspace with a deadpan expression, face still painted with teal. He wiped his hand on his other sleeve.

"Whatever, Subspace." Medkit grumbles. Subspace only scooted closer to him, a shit-eating grin on his face. "As I was saying, someone as powerful as important as me making time for a low-life traitor, criminal, and unlicens-" Medkit couldn't take it anymore. Annoying fucking prick. He silently cursed himself for what he's about to do- it would surely blow his cover. Did he care? No. He needed this . He took Subspace, hand wrapped around his jaw, and pressed him to the wall. Subspace squeaked from the impact, eyes looking anywhere but Medkit. On the contrary, Medkit stared directly through Subspace, eyes locked on his. Medkit sighed, unimpressed, and pressed his lips against Subspace's mouth, holding him tightly. His other arm snaked around the magenta demon's neck, holding himself even tighter to Subspace. Subspace gasped, allowing Medkit entry, his tongue exploring Subspace's mouth. It tastes absolutely gross. He can feel the rot on his tongue, making his gag reflex trigger, but he persevered and tried not to vomit directly into Subspace's mouth. It's disgusting and gross- but fuck, is it everything he'd ever dreamed of? Yes. Yes. A million times, fucking yes. SFOTH knows how many times Medkit fantasized about this moment. It takes Subspace a split second to hesitate, he knew that he very much should not be making out with his enemy, but, oh, who cared? His tongue slipped into Medkit's mouth as well, and Medkit shivered, moaning out from the contact.

They gripped onto each other for what seemed like forever, both of them in their own little head space, eyes closed in pure bliss as all else melted away. Medkit was the first to pull away first, a string of saliva connected the two for one more moment before falling away, just a moment to breathe. "Meddy- you do know that they could be recording! At this very moment!!" Subspace sputtered, face also flushed his respective color. He was practically overheating. "Does it look like I care, Subspace?" he hissed, face still very close to Subspace's, whose arms were looped around Medkit's neck pressing him closer. "...Well!" Subspace concluded. "Do... you want to? Can we do this?" Medkit asked, almost meekly, uncharacteristically, eyes meeting each other. "Yes." Subspace replied, words tumbling out of his mouth and falling through the air. Medkit held onto him tighter. "Good, because I really fucking need you." Medkit breathed. The words shot straight to Subspace's dick. He leveled his mouth to Medkit's neck and bit down, fangs tearing through his skin and drawing blood.

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