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Medkit tosses and turns in his bed, at times burying his face into his pillow. He feels restless although his day was tiring, so tiring, his entire team perpetually at low HP- would they just learn to move for once? Not literally eat every single one of Slingshot's beams? Did they absolutely have to just allow Ban Hammer to flatten them into the ground? He huffed in discontent, displeased with how today went- it was like nothing went right for him!- and so he allowed himself to close his eyes and lay still in an attempt to fall asleep. Even so, there was still a sense billowing inside him; like he wasn't satisfied, and he just attempted to squash the feeling by squeezing his eyes tighter to no avail. He sighed loudly, laying on his back, tired but restless at the same time- he didn't even know how- and he allowed his mind to drift.

Subspace. That was the first thing he saw. Subspace Tripmine, and like a moth to a flame, Medkit's vision tunneled onto the inventor, not even bothering to look around his surroundings as if everything else was a blur other than his beloved. "Hey, Meddy!" Subspace called, a shuteye smile adorning his face and his arm waving him over. His gas mask was off, and while the bottom of his mouth was rotted he could still smile a wolfish grin with his remaining skin still there. The scientist's face was dusted with pink, making Medkit's flush teal in response. "Subspace?" he almost questioned, inspecting the scientist as he inched closer to him. Subspace pulled him into a hug as strong as his body would allow, squeezing the doctor tightly. Medkit hummed quietly and leaned into the hug, tentatively wrapping his arms around Subspace. "I love you so much, Meddy." Subspace murmured, burying himself into Medkit. Medkit smiled, butterflies forming in his stomach and fluttering around. He raised a hand to Subspace's hair, running his hand through it lovingly. He could have sworn Subspace purred. "I love you more, Subspace." he replied, truly meaning it, his tone saccharine sweet and soft.

"Pffft! No you don't, traitor!!" Subspace laughed at the suggestion, throwing his head back slightly as he almost cackled. Medkit furrowed his brows in a condescending manner. "Really, Subspace?" Medkit loved saying his name. It rolled off of his tongue so satisfyingly, Medkit was absolutely convinced everything about Subspace was absolutely flawless- other than the ripping out his eye, of course, he'd love to look at Subspace in his full glory with both eyes. "Really!!" Subspace chirped. "Prove it." Medkit snickered. Subspace pouted. He grabbed Medkit's neck and draped a hand over it, pressing his teeth to the nape of his neck and biting. The magenta demon starts out less painfully and then slowly bites down harder, tasting Medkit's blood through his fangs. Medkit almost moans softly at the pain. "Subspace," he moans out, holding the other support closely to him "Mmh." Medkit breathes, earning a snicker from Subspace. He continues marking up Medkit, covering him in bruises and bites. "Yeeees, Meddy?" Subspace giggles, Medkit can feel his stupid wolfish grin on his skin still. "Stop that. People will see." Medkit huffs, but doesn't push him away. "Silly! No they won't!!" Subspace laughed. "What makes you so sure?" "Cause this is just your imagination."

Medkit sighed frustratedly, eye rolling from under its eyelid. He frowned and felt around at his neck, disappointed at the severe lack of bite marks. He accidentally reminded himself that he was fantasizing- and they were just about to get to the good part! On a brighter note, he was finally satisfied enough to get some much-needed sleep. He allowed himself to fall under, and sleep took him over.

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