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Sword is over at Medkit's house. The two planned to watch a movie together at the theater, but Sword is accidentally there early- he realized the text said to arrive at 8PM rather than 3PM a little bit too late- so Sword is alone at Medkit's house as the doctor is busy at a phight. Apparently, he has a very, very strict phight schedule which he can't miss for the world, whatever that means. He's just relaxing on Medkit's couch, looking around and wandering. It's wrong to snoop, but Medkit's house is filled to the brim with cupboards and cabinets, and he has a strong urge to look at the contents whenever his gaze falls upon a compartment. He attempts to squash it, standing up and perusing a bookshelf. The old geezer reads large and heavy textbooks, so he looks around for something 'light' which is still around three-hundred pages. "The tale of the no-good evil king sorcerer and the shining sparkling saviors!!" the words are almost unlegible, that is how small the words are on the book's spine. He laughs. The Medkit, brooding and quiet, reading a book with a title for children? Sword has to see what makes this book so good that Medkit would want to keep it around. He pulls it from the bookshelf, absolutely ready to ask Medkit later what business he has reading a fantasy book for what seems to be children. But as his hand reaches for the book and pries it off, the bookshelf swerves around and leads to a secret entrance. Holy shit, it's just like the movies.

He steps inside excitedly, it's very dark and without any semblance of sunlight. He fumbles around for a light switch, hand feeling against the wall, but instead his hand brushes against paper. He looks around confusedly. Paper? On a wall? He fidgets around for his phone and pulls it out. He switches on flashlight mode, and shines the light across the room. What he sees absolutely appalls him. The monotone grey walls are absolutely covered in printed photos and polaroids, all depicting one person- Subspace Tripmine?? Sword's jaw drops to the floor. What the fuck was all this? He really should turn back now, but he can't help himself, and investigates further. There's other papers too, with words written on them, and neat cursive handwriting dictates... Subspace's entire schedule. Even the rates at which he's most likely to attend phights. A picture of his calendar. A picture of him while he's sleeping. How has Medkit not gotten mauled or caught by a Biograft? Sword did not take Medkit as the obsessive type, that fit more to Subspace, but this was just- this was just downright appalling. There were multiple papers below a laptop both on a desk in a corner of the room, and Sword went to go check it out. The papers seemed like unfolded love letters, gorgeous teal cursive handwriting depicting nothing but sheer obsession.

"Dearest Subspace T. Mine, you were wonderful at the phight today. You never fail to amaze me. The entire enemy team got sucked into your noxious void- I expected nothing less of you, dear. I'd let you su-" and, that's a wrap. Nope. Enough of the papers. He'd seen too much already. Medkit was absolutely sick in the head, it was clear. Everyone always thought Subspace was the one harassing Medkit, but who knew how long Medkit had been obsessed and stalking Subspace? It's actually sort of horrifying. Someone he considered a friend, absolutely infatuated with his mortal enemy to the point of- whatever he could use to describe all of this?! Sword was at a loss for words. He feels like he, too, is a sinner, just for witnessing the horrors Medkit conducted in this secret room. Sword realizes, what if he has other areas just for this? Maybe Subspace isn't his only victim? It horrifies him even more, and he continues to inspect the area, morbid curiosity propelling him forward.

He reaches for the laptop, but he's met with a password requirement. He curses, before taking a wild guess. "Subspace." he types, hits enter, and of course it doesn't unlock. "SubspaceTripmine." he inputs, and the laptop makes a low beeping noise and allows him entry. Because of-fucking-course that's his password. He knew Medkit wasn't exactly tech-savvy, but really? Not even a single number or special character? Not even Subkit&SK&Medspace159? He waves that thought away. His friend is a stalker and Sword is worried about how easily guessed his password is. The laptop was in sleep mode, and it opened to a downloaded audio file. "My greatest invention!!" the Subspace audio crowed happily, Sword can hear the noxious void roiling in the background. He flipped to another one. "My greatest invention!!" Subspace cackled, sounds of battle in the background. Again? Did Medkit need that many? He flipped through, most to the same tune of Subspace's phinishers. Eventually, he finds something that deviated. It was much longer, and quieter. He turns up the volume to hear it and presses his ear to the speaker. It sounds like sleeping. Is- is that a video of Subspace sleeping? That's so fucking sick. Did Medkit break into his house or what? Sword is about to flip through more, when he feels his phone vibrate within his hand. He switches on the device and reads a notification. "Coming back now." he mumbles. Medkit is on his way back. He scrambles to shut the computer down and bolt out of the secret door, shoving the book back where it was with a resounding click.


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