Kiss Me Again

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Medkit sighed, head unwillingly dropping to the messy desk in frustration. He felt the papers of long, boring documents sprawled out in front of him, and his chin hit the pen he'd been using to write. His job was boring but necessary- it paid the bills and kept him, and Subspace, fed. He glanced around to an an analog clock, examining the object. Only eight pm. Maybe he'd have an opportunity to sleep after all. He was feeling rather tired, eyes sore from working on writing and reading and writing.

"Hey Meddy!!" Subspace sang, startling Medkit and setting his gas mask on the table. He was still getting used to Subspace's presence within the house- he gave Subspace keys, and every time he wasn't toiling away at Blackrock he was here. This was by no means unwelcome, he loved Subspace, but it was a shift from the constant silence he'd grown accustomed to. "Hello, Subspace." He smiled faintly. Subspace looked across the room, eyes falling on the doctor and his endless paperwork. "That's a lot you've got there!! Are you nearly done?" he inquired. "I'm about seventy percent." "When's the last time you took a break?" Silence. Medkit avoided his eyes, content to stare at a lamp across the room. It glowed softly, casting a dim, warm light across his work area.

"Meddy!! Come to bed with me!!" Subspace lit up, grabbing his shoulders in an attempt to push him off of the chair. Medkit held his ground firmly. "No, Subspace. It's best to get this over with now. It's not like you've been taking many breaks from Blackrock, hypocrite." Subspace sighed. "You know you want to!! Besides, an acclaimed inventor like me has no need for breaks! You know, I'm head of Blackrock's robotics di-" Medkit placed a kiss on Subspace's mouth, quickly shutting him up. Subspace breathed from his sudden action, as if the air had been sucked out of his lungs from a mere kiss, faltering slightly. Medkit pulled away as abruptly as he'd initiated, a small smile adorning his face.

"Nice to shut you up, Subspace." Subspace regained his composure swiftly. "Don't distract me! Or interrupt me, either!! You-!!" The doctor interrupted him again, with a quick kiss. "Just be quiet. Your voice is grating to listen to." Medkit added, earning a dirty look from Subspace. "God, Meddy! You never listen to-" Yet another kiss. Medkit snickered at Subspace's steadily coloring face. "I forgot what we were even talking about." he laughed quietly. "Well, I didn't, because unlike you-" Medkit repeated his actions, placing yet another kiss on Subspace's, albeit slightly rotted mouth, and Medkit grinned, watching Subspace's every move intently. The latter looked back at him with a mix of contempt and vague arousal. "All you do is pra- mgh-" Medkit gasped from Subspace, the scientist swiftly grabbing his shoulder and smashing his face against the healer's lips, almost falling onto Medkit with how much he was leaning into the kiss. Subspace's thankfully not fully rotted tongue explored Medkit's mouth and he could taste Subspace's rot and blood, what only made him love him more.

"Nice to shut you up, Meddy!!" Subspace pulled away from the kiss abruptly, a thin strand of saliva appearing between their lips for a brief period of time. He grinned wildly. Medkit blinked, eye slightly droopy, from both Subspace and his eye's lack of rest. "It's late. Now we can go sleep together!! You can finish whatever it is you're doing tomorrow!!" Subspace practically dragged Medkit off of the chair. He, finally, followed Subspace wordlessly as he led him to their bedroom.

Subspace closed the door, climbed into their bed, and Medkit followed suit wordlessly. He was content with the silence they had, a welcome and easy transition into the rest Subspace wanted for him. However, Subspace on the other hand was not so content, and decided to tell Medkit goodnight. "Goodnight, Meddy." "Goodnight, Subspace." Subspace cuddled up closely to him, crooked mouth forming a dopey smile that Medkit could just barely make out. "Kiss me again." Subspace whispered. "I thought we were sleeping." Medkit hissed back. He wanted him to rest, but also wanted even more affection? "Kiss me!! Kiss me!! Kiss me again!!" Subspace chanted almost, voice still lowered to a whisper. Medkit sighed, unable to resist Subspace, and their lips met again. "Hard to resist you when you're so damn needy." "You know I can't help myself with you!!" Subspace laughed, buyring his face into the crook of Medkit's neck and drifting off to sleep.

Subspace's eye fluttered open, a rare good night's rest with his beloved well spent, having him in a chipper mood right when he awoke. "Gooooood morning, Meddy!!" he sang, aware of how much Medkit hated his singsong voice in the early morning hours. "SFOTH, Subspace, you need to learn to shut-" Subspace planted a fast kiss on his mouth- at least, as quickly as he could, due to him still being groggy from his sleep. "Still doing that, huh?" Medkit grumbled, climbing out of the bedsheets. It was too early to get Medkit riled up, but Subspace couldn't help himself as he giggled.

"Stay a little longer with me!! Where are you going?!" Subspace whined. "I'm getting ready. Don't you have work?" Medkit hesitated to get up, earning a grin from Subspace. He grabbed Medkit's arm and dragged him back into the bed. "It's in the afternoon." "I didn't take you as the type to slack off on work, Subspace." "I'm not! You're ruining me, Meddy!!" Subspace whined, now fully clung onto him. "That's what you deserve." Medkit scoffed, turning to face him. Subspace kissed him again. "I'm not going to be able to talk to you if you kiss me every time I open my mouth." Despite his dismissive words, Medkit flushed, making Subspace's smile wider.

"Alright Meddy!! Whatever you say!! Guess I'll never take my mask off again." Subspace relented, waiting to see Medkit's reaction as he reached over for his mask. Barely noticeable, Medkit blanched, an annoyed look on his face. His eyelid lowered, clearly exasperated. "That's not what I meant." "Sure!! Fine then!! Go do your boooring paperwork, I'm off to Blackrock." "Don't be like that."

"Be like what?" Subspace snickered. "You said you didn't have to leave until the afternoon." "That was a lie. I lied to you just now." Subspace deadpanned, and Medkit looked at him frustratedly. He kissed Subspace again, holding his cheek into the kiss and he felt the taste of the blood and rot he'd grown used to, and even missed at times, because it was nothing but the taste of Subspace. "Good boy, Meddy!!" Subspace chirped. "It's too early for you to be calling me th-" Medkit was interrupted again. Surely you can guess by what.

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