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Medkit stares up to the ceiling, tossing and turning in his bed, unhappy with his current circumstances, the room so dark he can't even see his hand in front of his face. He so desperately wishes he wasn't- like this- but he can't help it. What the hell is he even thinking? Subspace is his mortal enemy. They've never liked each other at all. So why can't he stop loving him? It's not normal. Downright obsessive. Both of them are the reason why they can't see in an eye, for SFOTH's sake! He huffs exhaustedly and flips over again. Before he even knows it, another phight is tomorrow. The days drop like blood to him, through a vial almost, but what happens when he can taste the metallic liquid in his mouth? It's not normal. He curses, tired of this life's pointless wheeling. His heart thump, thump, thumps in his chest, the sole reminder he's here, the rhythmic organ keeping him somewhat grounded. It's not normal.

It's a struggle. He's struggling. To understand himself. It's pathetic- if you don't understand yourself, who ever could? Just like that, he realizes. It's a lost cause. He's absolutely hopeless. He grabs his phone from his nightstand, fumbling around with the wood before grasping the electronic and immediately getting blinded by the light. He breathes out heavily again, putting a hand to his eye in frustration. Medkit unlocks it and immediately goes to his photo gallery, scrolling through and up all the saved images. There weren't very many, he didn't have many things to save. His memory was all right anyway, and that's all he needed. He scrolls to the very end of the photo gallery- or, beginning, and he clicks on the first ever photo. It's a photo of Medkit and Subspace's prototype Biograft. They had both worked on the Biografts, but ever since Medkit left, all the credit had been directed to Subspace. Medkit would rather not have a crowd anyways, and if Subspace was happy, he was happy too. It's not normal. He smiled softly at the memory, remembering the way Subspace's eyes lit up when he was proud of work the two had done- together. The photo was captioned "Me and my bitchass coworkers invention lol" Subspace had captioned it, although Medkit was the one taking the photo. If only Subspace was still his bitchass coworker. He mentally facepalms. "Why would you write that as a caption?" Medkit inquired, a deadpan expression on his face. "It applies for both of us!!" Subspace laughed back triumphantly. The doctor scrolled through to the next photo.

It was a selfie of Medkit and Subspace. Subspace had the camera in a typical pose, hand stretched out to hold the phone and capture both of them. Subspace winked, a large wolfish smile adorning his face as he stood happily, while Medkit had one eye winked and arms crossed, scoffing at the other inventor. With hindsight, he wondered why Subspace had even taken that picture. Well, Medkit figures, he shouldn't question it. It was good to have these fluffy memories, Medkit felt like he was on a cloud even looking at them. Medkit hesitates for a split second and then opens his settings app and makes the selfie his home screen, replacing the calming forest greens of his wallpaper with the selfie of Subspace. He is very glad he hadn't deleted it in a rage due to the two's turmoil, and if he could he would pat former Medkit on the back. It's not normal. What it is, is a vicious cycle of pointless circling around and around again. He really, really, really does not want to be like this. Truly. However- as much as he didn't want to, he truly couldn't help himself. Ever since they met after the incident, during the first ever phight, Medkit had been drawn to Subspace somehow, an irresistible force shoving him over to the scientist and pulling him in. It's not normal. Every moment more he thought about Subspace, the more of a struggle it was to convince himself that he loathed him. He feels so many emotions for Subspace, loathing, love, hate, fear, it overwhelmed him and consumed him wholly.

Before he knew it, was tomorrow the third or fourth phight of the week? Days blurred by, a million and two reduced to synonyms, brain shattered. His head felt like it was rotting away, heat-hazed days slipping by. Maybe this is Subspace's revenge, he muses. It sure is working. Damned attractive demon reeling him in, hook, line and sinker, a one-way mention through the two. It's not normal. Medkit had never been one for romance before meeting Subspace. He absently retraces the steps of his life with his finger. He felt like a cadaver, just a dreamer, Subspace stringing him along- and he doesn't even know it!- he acts like he's disturbed, but Medkit just kept laying his obsession on even thicker, denying he likes it, and then doubling down on the magenta demon, no amount of covering up his tracks can make him deny the pure facts- he's so very deeply in love with Subspace, the demon the stuff of his very dreams for reasons he can't track. It's not normal. Medkit couldn't help but keep carving hearts into Subspace's skin, tearing the flesh of his enemy with nothing but pure adoration. He feels like it's all a loop.

After all, maybe he had it all wrong.

Maybe the one twisting and twirling and spinning isn't him, but the entire Inpherno itself.

After all, he's never known more than a life of circulation.

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