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Subspace fluttered his eye open lazily. That was the best sleep of his life! It was like he died, he was so conked out. He moved to stretch his good arm, but something held him back. Subspace blinked, looked down, and then noticed that he was bound to a chair . Huh. Did I sleep on the job again? It's hard to remember. He struggled in the bounds, almost toppling over multiple times, before realizing. Wait. Where the hell is he? The room is dark, barely warmly lit by overhead lighting and Subspace's own magenta crystal, and he can just barely make out in the darkness a mattress on the floor. There's a bed, right there, and yet Subspace is sleeping tied up in a chair? This is absolutely disgusting. Whoever did this to him he already hates- well, he should be hating them, they kidnapped him for SFOTH sake. Suddenly, realization hit him like a truck- he's kidnapped. He's been taken out of his own home and thrust into deities-know-where, and anything could happen to him. They could take his gear! They could take his life! They could sell off his body parts limb from limb! They could experiment on him like how he'd experimented on those civilians a year ago! Well, that's just karma , he mused. All of that finally caught up to him, huh? His limbs wouldn't be much use due to his rot- and he was scum of the earth, so who cares when he dies? Nobody'll miss him. He thought for a moment which evolved into minutes. He had to be alright with dying. He had to be all right with saying goodbye. He'll go down in Blackrock's history as a hero, and they'd even erect statues of him in his honor, and he'd be revered in the textbooks. That sounds very nice, he thought, and he allowed his nerves to ease.

Click. Subspace tensed again at the noise and he saw light pour into the room from where he was situated. "Hello," a voice called from the entryway, and he cracked his head up. He was still a little bit disoriented, so it was hard to identify the voice. The voice sounded monotone and deadpan with a hint of cheer, it would have reminded him of Medkit if that deadbeat even knew what it meant to be happy. "Subspace? Speak to me, I didn't leave your mouth open for nothing." The figure stepped in front of the inventor. Holy shit, Medkit could sound happy? Wait, Medkit kidnapped him?! Medkit was standing in front of him with a stupid smirk on his face, happily gazing at the inventor. SFOTH, he wanted to rip that grin off so badly. "Oh, yeah, I see what's going on here!! You're gonna torture me now!! Isn't that just wonderful." Subspace cheered, a mock shuteye smile falling onto his face. "Subspace, 'm not gonna hurt you. Let me explain," Medkit started. "I love you." he... explained? Subspace could hardly call it that. He was no romance expert, of course, but he's pretty damn sure it's common knowledge you don't kidnap your love interest. "Fun joke, Meddy. Where's your chainsaw?" Subspace rolled his eye. Medkit was playing the most unfunny joke Subspace had ever heard. "No, I'm serious. What, do you want me to prove it to you or something?" Now it was Medkit's turn to roll his eye, and he crossed his arms stubbornly as he scoffed. Subspace's mind ran like gears in a machine. No way Medkit was serious. Right? Maybe Subspace was just being gullible. Maybe Medkit wanted to make fun of Subspace if he chose to believe him. There is no way Medkit- blegh, loves - Subspace. It's impossible- or just improbable?

Subspace squirmed in his chair uncomfortably. "That won't be necessary!!" he exclaimed. "Now can you get it over with?? Either kill me or let me go, I've got a job to do!!" Subspace tugged at the bonds keeping him tied, ropes bristled against his skin and clothes, scratching him. Medkit leaned down to meet Subspace eye to eye. "You're not going anywhere, darling." Medkit drew out the last word and it fell off his lips slow and sweet like honey. "Medkit, you can't be serious- you know they're gonna send search parties after me a-and stuff, right??" Subspace almost struggles to keep his voice level. He shouldn't be this freaked out, especially due to a filthy traitor like Medkit. "It's been dealt with." Medkit promised, voice soft. His face was uncomfortably close to Subspace's. "Okay, well, that doesn't make it much better!! Let me go, you freak!!" Subspace practically cried out now, getting more distressed by the second. "I'm no worse than you. Now, stop misbehaving." Medkit scolded. He fished around in his pocket for a key and dangled it in front of Subspace. "You're gonna be here for a long time." Medkit had a sadistic glint in his eye, the sheer malice in his expression making Subspace flinch. "M-Medkit-" "I like 'Meddy' better, thank you." Medkit interjected, clearly taking delight in watching Subspace internally panic. "You're- you're genuinely insane, Med- ugh, Meddy," Subspace had to spit out the nickname, what once rolled off his tongue satisfyingly now laid on his tongue like molasses, as if he almost struggled to get the word out of his vocal chords.

"Is that so?" Medkit inquired, his tone degrading and mocking. "Yes, now let me fucking go, you stalker- you kidnapped!!" Subspace spluttered. He rocked his chair back for reasons if you asked he wouldn't be able to say- Subspace knew everything he attempted to do was absolutely futile. He was barely thinking now, almost completely overrun with fear. Who knows what Medkit would do? The thoughts terrified him. He hoped, prayed, that Medkit would have mercy. "I'm sorry, okay!? 'M sorry for ripping your eye out! Sorry for being a bitch while we worked together! Sorry for annoying you all the time! Just- just let me go!" Subspace whined. Medkit hummed passively. Subspace would have never accepted to phight if he knew it would result in this. He might not even have been here if he didn't keep annoying Medkit, constantly laughing at him mockingly and teasing him during battles. He cursed past Subspace for his inconsideracy. "Well, I wouldn't say kidnapped. You're an adult," Medkit cooed mockingly, holding a hand up to Subspace's rotted cheek tenderly to look at him. Subspace shivered with negativity. "It's useless, getting me to forgive you. I'll still love you though... we can forget it all happened." Medkit's tone was saccharine sweet, coated in sugar. Subspace wasn't having it. "F-Forget?! Forget?! I ripped out your eye! I am rotting from the inside out because of you!! There's no forgetting any of that!" Subspace could cry. This was all so overwhelming. It reminded him of when he was still learning to use his gear, in a way. The explosions would hurt his ears and the poison would get in his eyes, overwhelming the poor demon, but he would get used to it. This was something he didn't know if he would ever get used to.

"Well, not with that attitude." Medkit's tone was still indifferent, unfazed by Subspace's desperate pleas. He had dreamed of this moment more than anything else- hoped and wished- and it finally came true- there was absolutely nothing anyone could do to keep Subspace from him any longer. If it came to his death, he'd jump off a balcony with Subspace in tow and their organs would mangle together pacting them together for a true forever. He was sick in the head, and Subspace was right, he wasn't the only one who was rotting after all. Just a bit of brainrot. Subspace whined, and Medkit realized he was sniffling and sobbing. Subspace wasn't the type to cry- Medkit knew. He'd never seen Subspace vulnerable out of cold and dull winter nights when he was all alone, wallowing in his own self despair as he sobbed into the bedsheets. Now, Medkit could actually comfort him. The doctor wrapped his arms around Subspace and held him tightly, the scientist only tensing and squirming in his grasp. "We'll be so happy together. I promise you that." Medkit murmured. He pressed a warm kiss to Subspace's cold cheek. "No," Subspace choked. "I'll- I'll never love you. Not until the Inpherno c-collapses in on itself!" Subspace vowed. He'd never love Medkit, not his mortal enemy, not in a million years. He'd rather let the rot infest his airways and suffocate. Medkit snickered. "We'll see about that, my love." Medkit placed a kiss on Subspace's rotted jaw, and he licked at Subspace's decaying lips. Medkit giggled. "I'll leave you alone for a little bit, okay? I've got a phight to attend. Don't do anything stupid." Medkit warned, walking behind Subspace to undo the ropes tying him to the chair. The magenta demon already ached due to how tight the ropes were bound- finally being free of them relieved him, although it didn't matter much because he was still kidnapped. "Feel free to do what you can. I'll be back soon with food, alright? I love you!" Medkit called as he left, a wry undertone encasing the words he spoke. Subspace heard the click of a lock turning shut.

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