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swocket is 1 single line. beware 


Subspace narrowed his singular eye at the swordsman and the doctor, hands crossed in contempt. He can just barely hear their chatter. "So, how's life treating you, Med?" Subspace sneered at the nickname, absolutely disgusted at their casual chatter and the nickname. Nicknames for Medkit were like- his thing! This is an outrage! This is bullshit! He scoffed. He's not jealous. Whatsoever. He's not salty either. It's not like after Sword sliced him to bits he smiled and looked towards Medkit and said "Your support has done me good, Med!" and Medkit had a hint of a smile in return and, oh, fucking SFOTH, he wants Sword d- Okay. Let's slow down, Subspace. Maybe he's jealous and salty. So what? Psh. It doesn't matter. Sword's, like, the basic white boy with curly hair of phighters . Not that he knew what that meant. Subspace huffed, walking away to the dummies, but he couldn't help but stare daggers into the two. He notices he's not the only one staring- Medkit is looking at him rather intently too. Subspace looks away, and so does Medkit, and then the doctor looks right back. It confused Subspace- he's in the middle of a conversation! You have to at least look somewhat at the person you're talking to! But, anyways, Subspace was gonna get Sword. Make him pay. He snickers at the suggestion. After all, nobody messes with the great Subspace T. Mine! As he thought and planned his attack, he still felt Medkit's steely gaze on his skin. Oh, well. What does he know anyways? As much as Subspace loved Medkit, he couldn't help but underestimate him.

After even a week, Subspace was still salty and jealous without the justice he deserved. It made his stomach churn and his blood boil just thinking about the warrior and the medic together. He cleared his head and treaded lightly, following Sword without a single sound. Sword walked home from phights. It was around a 20-30 minute walk if Subspace had to guess, sometimes in the dead of night- Subspace didn't exactly understand why, but it benefited him in this case, so hey, who really cares? He crept through the many alleyways, what seemed to be part of Sword's casual routine. Who lives like this? Subspace only got more confused as Sword trekked home, through twists and turns and winding alleyways which seemed to stretch on forever. He was planning to follow Sword to his home and release poison gas, choking him in his sleep and then dispersing the noxious fumes, but if he was never going to get home, what's the point?! Subspace could have stomped his foot in pure annoyance but then he realized that would undeniably blow his cover. He crept to the unaware Sword, tired of this... long ass pathway. How long had they been walking? How did Sword do this?!

All the thoughts fleeted through Subspace's mind as he crept up, up, up, right behind Sword, and in the blink (or, could he say ripping) of an eye tackled the swordsman. Sword cried out in pain, and tried to catch himself, but he was already tumbling to the ground. Subspace wrenched his gear from his fist, probably twisting Sword's arm in a very odd way, and whacking Sword across the head with his own gear. "Why're you hitting yourself?" Subspace giggled. He sliced the warrior's back and body with the sharp metal blade, giggling all the while while Sword cried out in pain. Subspace reached for his back capsule, retrieving a small hot pink poison, and drizzling it all over his victim's bloodied gashes as if that wasn't enough. All Sword could do was writhe in pain on the cold pavement, coughing out his own blood. Subspace stepped on his head for good measure. "Haha!" he snickered, watching Sword take his final breaths. "R-Rocket... wherever you are... I'm sorry I couldn't tell you I loved you..." Sword choked out, breath barely above a whisper.

Subspace narrowed his eyes. So he did all of that for nothing? Subspace glared down at the body, rolling his eye in annoyance. Well, he was a little bit too close to Medkit, but still, all of that hard work and serious planning! He barely had time to reach back again to pull out a body bag when suddenly a cold voice, one not his own, cut through the darkness. "Subspace." Medkit's voice cut through the darkness sharper than Sword's blade, his single eye visible in the darkness. It glistened in the moonlight with what Subspace deduced as malice. Subspace froze like a deer caught in headlights, mind racing with what to do in this situation. "Ha! You caught me! What're you gonna do, turn me into the police?!" Subspace stammered almost, voice barely concealed with nervousness. He didn't know if Blackrock would cover this- a selfish murder wouldn't look good on their region's record- and he internally panicked as Medkit stepped closer towards him, gun removed from its holster and in Medkit's hand. "M-Meddy?" he blinked and stepped back, almost stepping onto Sword's body. He tried not to do that, stepping on someone's dead body was a level of disrespect practically begging for a haunting. As if murder wasn't enough, he mused casually, trying to distract his mind from the endless negative possibilities. It was so over. Medkit flipped his gun up, holding it to Subspace in a threatening manner pressing it to his forehead, Subspace's life standing before Medkit and his morals. "Uh- er- can I get my final words? Is that all good?" Subspace tried to plaster a nervous grin on his face. He didn't even know what he'd say- at least he'd get to go out by the love of his life. Sword hadn't had that pleasure- Subspace should consider himself lucky.

"I don't appreciate you killing my only friend." Medkit scolded, looking at Subspace with the most mixed expression he'd ever seen on him. Their crystals illuminated the alleyway, and Subspace could notice a light dusting of teal on the doctor's face, only confusing the scientist even more. "Well, I'm the greatest inventor of all time, ever, and as much as I don't want to, I love you, Medkit. There, I said it. You can kill me now." Subspace couldn't help but shrug, rolling his eyes casually as if he wasn't admitting death. Now that Subspace thought of it, he could mist walk right through and away from Medkit. That seemed like a much better idea- though he'd just confessed love to his greatest enemy and obsession- emphasis on both- so he didn't really know how he'd live that down. Maybe he'd figure it out somehow. He moved to dematerialize and sift through the doctor, when suddenly Medkit grabbed him by the hem of his collar, quickly snapping off his gas mask and- dropped his gun to the side, it clattering across the pavement and kissed Subspace roughly??? "Huh-" Subspace gasped, Medkit taking Subspace's neck and looping his hand around his neck. The teal demon took Subspace's gasp as an entryway to his mouth and started exploring vigorously with more physical exertion than admittedly Subspace had ever seen outside of phights, Medkit even going as far to lap his tongue over Subspace's rotted spots in his maw. Subspace instinctively grabbed Medkit's shoulders in reply, holding him there and also sifting his forked tongue through Medkit's mouth. "M-Meddy??" he gasped once they let go of each other, the inventor confused out of his mind.

"I don't appreciate you killing my only friend." Medkit repeated, moving away from Subspace to Sword, throwing his crystal in the air and mumbling a halfhearted "Let's not do that again." Subspace was still processing what just happened. Did Medkit just- kiss him with tongue and act like nothing ever happened? Is he dreaming? Sword's wounds began to slowly close, his splattered blood reversing from the spilled floor back into Sword's body, replacing the poison. "He's still super knocked out. He won't remember a thing." Medkit mused. "He'll probably wake up in the morning." Subspace had no idea what was happening anymore- a simple murder turned to kissing your enemy passionately? Imagine someone making out on your dead body. Subspace chuckled at the thought before remembering that Medkit was still in fact right there, his very presence threatening the magenta demon. Medkit glanced over to Subspace as the medic fiddled around with his phone nonchalantly. "Hey- hey, give me that!" Subspace grabbed Medkit's phone and attempted to yank it out of his hands. "Stop that, Subspace." he grips the phone tighter. "I'm not calling anyone. I'm a 'criminal' too." Medkit held his phone with a force unfitting. Oh, right, Medkit defected from Blackrock. How could Subspace have forgotten?

"Oh, yeah, that." Subspace replied, slightly loosening his grip. "You love me? Huh?" Medkit smirked, a small grin adorning his face. Subspace narrowed his eyes. "When did you hear that?" Subspace denied. He was so fucked. "Right here." Medkit opened what seemed to be an audio recording app and skipped around to a certain moment in a video. "Well, I'm the greatest inventor of all time, ever, and as much as I don't want to, I love you, Medkit. There, I sa-" the little voice recording of Subspace spluttered. Medkit replayed it again for good measure. "Well, I'm the greatest inventor of all time, ever, and as much as I don't want to, I love you, Medk-" "Okay, okay, I got it, Medkit! Congratulations, you got blackmail for me. Want a cookie?" Subspace snarled, the single time he doesn't possess the upper hand on the deer, at a loss for words. "No, Subspace." Medkit deflected. "I want you, Subspace." he corrected, placing another kiss on Subspace's rotted mouth. Subspace felt like a Biograft in overdrive- he was probably blushing so stupidly right now. Medkit's face was similarly flushed. What was he supposed to do from here?? He wasn't good at romance!! "Well! Of course you do, ha! Who wouldn't want the great Subspace T. Mine, after all??" Subspace attempted to laugh it off. Medkit had a soft grin on his face, smiling warmly to the literal murderer. "Let's just go home, Subspace. We've got lots to do." Medkit grabbed his hand, holding it tightly. "...Yes. That sounds okay." Subspace mumbled, stringing himself along.

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