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Medkit is watching. Watching. Watching, staring bullets through the inventor's hallways, watching, to see if Subspace will wake up. Medkit always knew he was a light sleeper. They're at Subspace's home, the two of them- though one of them uninvited, Medkit can't care. He won't care. Not when Subspace is finally within his grasp, not when Medkit can finally make him his. Medkit has grown tired of Subspace's cruel words- he loves him, so very much, but Medkit has come to a conclusion. That Subspace's voice would be much sweeter if it was cooing his name rather than jeering it. Medkit sneaks into Subspace's bedroom without a sound, shoes treading lightly against carpet, he'll apologize tomorrow for wearing shoes in his house- not like Subspace will be seeing his house for a very long time. He almost hums in satisfaction, stopping himself at the very last moment as to not wake up his beloved.

Creak. The floorboards squeak under him, causing Medkit to freeze in his tracks. Fuck. He stands very still, slows his breathing. It's like time slows down into a halt, Medkit frozen in the moment stock still as if encased in ice. After what seems like an eternity to him, he focuses and takes a step further, quieter this time as it seemed the floor had calmed down, not snitching on him anymore. Perfect. He inches closer and closer to Subspace until he reaches his bedroom door. His crystal under a black wrap he'd covered it with glows just brightly enough to illuminate the doorknob, and he twists it before pushing the door open. He knows this has to be Subspace's room, he's watched Subspace enter this room and doze off lazily more times than he can count, admiring the sleeping scientist from a window away- Subspace should really not leave the windows open next time! Who knows what creeps could watch him through the glass panes? Subspace is just so lucky Medkit is there for him, right? Always by his side.

Medkit is inside Subspace's bedroom now. He can see the inventor snoozing. He's sprawled out across the bed, sleeping on his stomach soundly, as if he has no idea what is about to happen to him... probably because he doesn't. The great Subspace Tripmine in such a vulnerable position... it's not good for Medkit's psyche. The doctor gets excited and giddy at the prospect, he's finally in charge of the wily inventor, all the more eager to take Subspace back and make him truly his. Not that he wasn't already. He steps to the foot of Subspace's bed and Medkit can tower over the scientist. Most of the time, Subspace is the one above him by a mere inch, but now Medkit is much taller than the other support. It sends a rush of almost power down him, looking down on his mortal enemy both figuratively and literally. He fidgets around in his pockets, pulling out a chloroform rag. Quick and easy.

He presses it to Subspace's mouth, forcing him to breathe it all in, and Subspace's eye immediately flutters awake. "Mmgh- mff!!" he opens his mouth to speak. "Go on, love. It won't hurt a bit." Medkit whispers softly, pressing it to him even harder and holding the back of his with his free hand to keep Subspace in place. He's absolutely defenseless, body weakened greatly due to his ever consuming rot, and he's powerless in the face of his assailant. Subspace wonders if he'll die soon. He had no friends, and the only person that really ever mattered to him was Medkit, his constant acquaintance- if they didn't hate each other, Subspace thought he'd have something to remember himself by. He's going down a bad person, a waste of space, he realizes. He has nothing to live for, nothing to remember himself by, and then he remembers he made the Biografts. Maybe he wasn't totally useless. All these thoughts race through his mind as fast as bullets, he struggles to think as he feels his consciousness slip away from him, going down, down. He can barely make out the figure in front of him, large horns carved to resemble a deer's- or maybe they were natural? Subspace wasn't sure. Who would do all of this to him? He didn't think that he was that large of a target. Maybe this was the law, or something. Then, realization hits him like a brick. "Don't worry, Subspace, you'll be very happy with me." is the last thing that runs through his head, his kidnapper mumbling reassuring words through his mind, and he realizes. That's Medkit's voice, isn't it? The only thing through his mind, a fleeting realization, before his brain hits a blank.

Medkit hoists Subspace's body off of the bed, he's glad he made the substance extra potent. Most of the time, people underestimate the healer's physical power, but his strength is just enough to drag Subspace back to his car. He watches the night, makes sure there are no witnesses that need to be dealt with, but it's just Subspace and Medkit. Together forever, the two against the world, and that's how Medkit liked it. How it's always been- the two of them, intertwined by fate, ropes around their necks binding Subspace to Medkit and vice versa. While Medkit mused what happened to bring the two to this scenario, he wondered if Subspace felt the same way. No, Subspace definitely hates my guts. He concluded, loading the inventor's limp body into his back seat. It was all right- Medkit was okay with the inventor. He'd learn to love him soon enough. He started his car and drove away to his own house, humming a tune to himself as he retreated with what he'd came for.

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