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Medkit sighed under his breath as he entered a secret room behind his bookshelf- he'd always wanted one of these while he lived in Blackrock. Subspace hadn't been to a phight for two weeks now. As much as he didn't want to admit it, Medkit missed the inventor. Missed how with him everything else other than the magenta man seemed dark and dull, and only he could bring the light back into the monotone hues, color washing through his surroundings like how Medkit felt with him. Felt like Subspace completed him. And he did, right? The two, Medkit and Subspace, an inseparable pair and a deadly duo, iconic in their own right. Inseparable. The word repeated in Medkits head over and over, making him long even more for what the two used to share, eyes glimmering whenever they saw each other (really, it was always just Medkit's, he deluded himself into thinking that Subspace had too although it was the snow reflecting into his eyes) and lighthearted banter they would jab at each other as they worked together, performing in sync like flawless rhythm. Oh, how Medkit missed it. Missed him. He looked over to the wall.

Countless pictures of Subspace, plastered across every square inch of the concrete wall. Medkit sighed in admiration, looking lovingly across the photos, every angle of the inventor spread across the space used. Medkit knew that this was creepy, stalkerish, obsessive- there was no denying that. The doctor couldn't help himself, lovesick for his enemy, and he wondered what Subspace would think of his little project. "It's because I love you, Subspace." Medkit would simply explain as if nothing was wrong with his actions- though both of them knew what he'd done was horrendous. "SFOTH- Medkit?! This is absolutely disgusting!! I never want to see you again- and actually? The only place I want to see you is behind bars!! Ban Hammer will be hearing about this, mark my words!!" and he'd run off again. Medkit hummed contentedly at the scenario, almost blushing at Subspace's harmful words, knowing that he was a sick bastard for not minding- but did he care?

The healer grabbed his laptop from an adjacent table and put it on his legs, opening it to go to the official Phighting! website where all their phights were posted. He clicked a random video, skipping it to where Subspace was, which didn't take much time as the inventor landed a kill onto the newest Phighter- Scythe- well, more like an assist. Medkit giggled at the recording like a high school girl, snickering at Subspace's reaction to getting his hard earned kill snatched away from him. "Hey- Who the **** got that kill?!" Subspace's curse was sweared, but the frustration in his voice was very evident. Medkit snickered at Subspace's frustrated expression, eye lit up in fury. "Haha! Seems like we've got kill stealers in the arena tonight, no? Shows anything can happen during a phight!" The announcer exclaimed, voice booming above the phights recorded audio.

The camera panned to, much to Medkit's dismay (his grin automatically disappeared from his face), Shuriken. He was behind Subspace, the ninja finishing the cultist off with a deadly backstab. "Shuriken!" Subspace hissed from the capture point. "Even more proof of my skill!" The kill stealer grappled away. The camera returned back to Subspace, much to Medkit's delight, and he could very faintly hear him mumble under his breath. "Fuckin- stupid kill stealers-" he grumbled to the floor, before looking back upwards to deliver his deadly Phinisher. "My greatest invention!!" Subspace crowed, spinning and throwing a crystal to the air, cackling as the noxious void began to suck the entire enemy team in. Medkit just loved how chatty Subspace was- his raspy voice singing through his mind over and over- as much as Medkit acted like he hated it, he'd never get tired of Subspace's voice- he wanted to hear it for the rest of his life.

He rewinded fifteen seconds back, to when Subspace had called his phinisher, replaying the scientists call of triumph as if it was this ultimate who would win his team the entire match. Medkit even saw himself get sucked in, accidentally teleporting to Katana in an attempt to heal the tank. The camera zoomed entirely on Subspace and Medkit swore his eye was practically a heart at this point, his entire being focused solely on Subspace. Medkit felt like he replayed that fifteen seconds over and over again, for what seemed like hours, focused deeply on the other support. Eyes raptured upon his every detail. Medkit felt so infatuated with Subspace, like he completed him, and even seeing the color pink sent his heart to beat faster. Medkit had even slowly started learning Subspace's phight schedule and even attending phights when the inventor did. It was getting hard to keep up his act, wasn't it? Acting like he loathed him? How could he stop himself from looking so lovingly at his mortal enemy, from subconsciously inching closer and closer to him during lobbies, and rushing to his aid whenever he took a scratch? Just thinking about him made his heart beat so so fast. Medkit was sure he had an expression of a fool over his face- but he didn't care.

Subspace was his . He just didn't know it yet.

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