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Uhhh spell book (MY OC) is in this one .... I promise u can still read it if u don't know who she is.... Here's a google doc about her!!


Medkit eyed the structure resembling the Playground's architecture warily, eye fixated on Subspace and the newest demon added to the roster of phighters. Spellbook, her name? She was a support, like Subspace and Medkit, her crystalline horns glistening prettily in the sunlight. Medkit didn't stand too far away from the duo, hiding behind them, stealing glances at the pair. His piercing gaze was hostile towards the mage, seething with hostility towards her. Subspace's composition was haughty and confident, perhaps he was boasting to the witch, but she did not reciprocate his positivity. She had an air of self righteousness, confidence, though it was quite clear something was constantly bugging her. Medkit would have been curious if he cared at all, all else falling to nothing at the face of his beloved. "Have you seen my lovely invention, the Biografts? Aren't they just stunning?" "Yes. But I have been meaning to ask you, have you seen my friend? She's got blue horns, blind in an eye-" "Hmm! I'm glad you have the taste to appreciate my hard work!" Subspace preened under the praise, voice growing more confident with each spoken word. He could practically feel Spellbook's annoyance from across the lobby, simmering anger palpitating.

Medkit could have scoffed at her, honestly. He was, admittedly, envious. She got to be graced with Subspace's presence without him wanting to rip out her eye- and she took it for granted with barely concealed contempt, her voice laced in a prim proper egotistical scoff with every statement. He was so jealous. Medkit focused deeper on the two phighters, eye squinting to look at them. He watched Spellbook's demeanor get more unnerved. Could she feel his sharp gaze from there? "What's with the face, Spellbook!?" Subspace asked. So, he was oblivious. Good. "You don't feel like you're being watched?" Spellbook replied warily, hushed voice almost inaudible to the doctor. "Jeez- you should get that checked out!! Maybe it's something wrong with your head!!" Subspace laughed at her, only souring her mood, and he motioned a stirring of his brain with his hand.

"Yknoooow, I know a real doctor that might be willing to help you!!" Subspace continued, chirping. "I'm not interested. How much would he charge anyways?" "Budget won't be an issue!! Meddy's suuuuper kind, I'm sure he'll hook you up!" Subspace sang. Medkit's heart practically stopped at the scientist's remarks about him- he mentioned him? Recommended him? Thought about him!? Medkit could have fallen to the ground right then and there. Swords, Subspace thinking about him... his heart skipped irrationally at the thought of the inventor. He loved hearing his voice, especially when he crowed his adorable nickname sending waves of pleasure through the healer. To think that Subspace thought about him would be nothing less than heaven. But anyways, maybe Medkit would help Spellbook if she needed it. Maybe she'd tell Subspace, put in a good word for the doctor, and maybe Subspace would even- compliment him? He swooned at the concept, putting a hand on his chest in a futile attempt to calm his nerves. "Hmm. I'm still not interested. Thank you, though." Spellbook replied simply. Medkit was so jealous of her. Having a conversation with Subspace without pretending like he hated him. Medkit wanted to smother Subspace with uncharacteristic affection, fill him to the brim with his love, mark him up and-

Medkit, now at home, rewatched the Phighting! Video for the day, a compilation/montage like recording. It was daily routine, tuning in just to watch Subspace's antics. He smiled through his screen whenever Subspace got a kill, and seethed whenever he died, until the phighters got transported to the lobby. During this specific intermission, Medkit could see the faintest glow of his crystal behind a structure obscuring him wholly from view, his single eye poking out to stare at Spellbook and Subspace, the- stalker? Was that what he was?- staring bullets through the mage. He snickered at himself.

Subkit Oneshots [PHIGHTING!]Where stories live. Discover now