Look Don't Touch

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Subspace stayed away from the point of capture, not too far akin to Hyperlaser, but more of a mid ranged position. He was struggling to focus on the phight, he hadn't slept yesterday due to his mere thoughts making him toss and turn. A beep-beep followed by an explosion kept him present, a tripmine he'd set blowing up Rocket. He smiled, watching the low hp ranged run off to regain shield. Subspace decided he'd go chase the demolition ''expert'', following him behind a stack of crates. The sounds of battle raged behind him as he dematerialized to catch up to Rocket.

He threw crystals from behind the rocketeer, catching him off guard as he felt his back ache from explosions not his own. Subspace had chased him to their team's spawn, trying to finish the job as soon as possible before he could regain shield. Suddenly, Medkit materialized with a blue forcefield right in front of the two. Rocket's eyes lit up in joy of seeing the teal healer, causing Subspace to grimace at the response. It's the person causing Subspace to lose his cool, the one keeping him up at night, his enemy, the traitor, his presence luring Subspace in for reasons not even he knew. Subspace realized his expression probably looked exactly like Rocket's, but Medkit was his enemy so...

All of those thoughts flashed through Subspace's mind as he frantically threw his tripmines to Rocket. Medkit, with a similar level of franticness, shot at Rocket, his bullets an attempt to heal the phighter. Medkit missed all his shots, and didn't have any abilities to use- which was odd, Medkit's aim was normally pretty decent. Rocket was about to rocket jump up to higher ground, but Subspace threw down a falling star, causing him to rise up and die on his impact to the floor. "Crash landing!!" Subspace cackled, mist walking again to get away from the teal healer. "Subspace!" Medkit growled. The scientist rematerialized, running away from Medkit, looking behind his shoulder to the healer chasing him. Point was the primary thing on Subspace's mind, he was looking for his teammates, anyone to protect him, and he even pinged for help. His team was too busy phighting off the enemies, surprisingly holding their own as Subspace smiled at the enemy's low HP bars contrasted to his teams high HP. "For broken honor... and retribution." Katana swung his blade, and Subspace was grateful that he was on their team. Three of the enemy phighters got taken out from Katana's Phinisher, and Medkit rushed into action.

"Let's not do that again." Medkit threw his crystal in his case out to the sky, reviving the three downed phighters, and they charged with a new strength Subspace hadn't expected. The glow of the crystal lit up Medkit's eyes beautifully, light reflecting off of his horns and making them shimmer. Even his pose was downright elegant. He watched Medkit, return to quickly maneuvering through his team's attacks, even with his lowered mobility. Subspace absently fired a few abilities into the point, eyes focused on Medkit and how he moved. He examined the doctor's features with rapt attention, almost admiring him. "Subspace!! Head in the game!" Slingshot called, scattering his projectiles onto Medkit, and that brought Subspace back into the game. With 20 seconds left, and the entire enemy team on point, he decided to fire his Phinisher. "My greatest invention!!" Subspace crowed triumphantly, as if this was the move that would win them the game. "Can't catch me!" Slingshot also called, and Subspace grinned manically as he realized what the two were about to do. With all the enemies in the same place and Slingshot's devastating Phinisher, none of them stood a chance.

"PWNED!!" they heard from a distance far off, the loud voice ringing in their ears. Subspace felt a surge of health from all the people that died. Most of the kills went to Slingshot, but there was one person he dealt the final blow to. Medkit. Subspace internally cheered. "That wasn't just your eye this time!!" Subspace exclaimed. With 5 seconds left, the round was over, and Subspace nodded in agreement of their victory. "VICTORY!" the announcer shouted. "Blackrock will remain supreme!!" Subspace cackled. Medkit was on point now, the rest of his team sulking at spawn as they realized it was over. "My coworkers weren't carrying their weight." he huffed, annoyed. Subspace took even more time to size him up, relishing how he looked. He had a slight glaze of sweat across his head, face flushed from his exertion. It even made Subspace blush in response, his heart beating faster with his mind racing. The inventor couldn't take his eyes off of the doctor. He noticed how... physically attractive he looked as well. His horns were unlike anything he'd ever seen, beautifully vibrant and pristine. His suit was disheveled, causing a carnal desire to well up in Subspace. His pale, beautiful, unmarked neck almost teased Subspace to bite his neck. The doctor's chiseled body only lured the inventor in, and for a moment he let himself lose himself in his own fantasies...

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