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                                      - Interlude -

- Fontaine

Winter winds could only litter Fontaine with lonely hearts. If she wasn't already cold enough, the rain starting would've been her last straw. Hitting the surface of the lakes and leaving glass coloured stains on her eyelashes. But why does it rain? She knew why, but she wondered what was the true cause behind this cry of hydro. Nothing but an urban legend believed by too many... pfft.

Maybe human emotion is something he's already feeling..

It was dark and cold that night anyways. She was visionless.. and defending herself against an enemy was like Russian Roulette. Yet she still carried herself home despite all the pain and the weight she carried on her shoulders. That weight being an insatiable loneliness. Was it even possible to feel like you're so out of place.. in your own nation?

His home was so close. The lights glowed from its windows. And despite it being such a big house, he felt so lonely in there. Yet he had no desire to leave, knowing that someone could be there with him.. but that was wishful thinking.. There was a small, subtle tear rolling down his cheek. A single tear...somehow causing the the torrent of despair outside to reign.. quite literally... Yet for some reason, he felt no emotions at all. Despite that.. he craves love.

He was the big important chief of justice. She was just another girl in the city trying to make a living..

His importance.. it didn't matter at all anymore. Yet he was still known as that.. a person who was known for his high position, that had to be so.. cold. And what was she? What was she to anyone really? Just another girl in the city. But.. she didn't care. She accepted it. Accepted it the way he accepted his own position. Court cases were a frequent occurrence. Every time, he had to play the part of a stoic man with such a strong position. Yet inside, he's nothing. He's a man who only knows one thing: being cold. He was cold to his job, cold to his home, cold to his heart.. everything besides the case at hand was irrelevant..

The clock hit midnight.. maybe it's time for bed.

Maybe he should get some rest. He hasn't slept in days after all. He's been too busy with court cases and work.. and.. he just.. hasn't had the time. Time to rest. Time to sleep. But.. how would he ever be able to when there's so much work to do? He gets up from his chair and walks over to his bed. The soft material touches his skin, caressing against his body as he lays down and stares at the ceiling. The water droplets from the sky came to an abrupt end once the perpetrator of rain had drifted into some slumber.

But for he, he's immortal. He could never die. Not even if he was desperate to.

He was not human. He could live forever. Yet the thought of immortality didn't comfort him in the least. If anything, it made him feel more isolated and alone. He would live on forever, while everyone around him would die. He would outlive everyone, everyone that he once loved. But even so, why did he feel so lonely?

He's missing something. Someone.

She's missing someone. Something.

- author's note :) I'm in my fanfic
era guys dni.

I've never done this before :p anyway Neuvillette brainrot rn.

Please leave feedback whenever u feel like it lawl

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