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- a pinky's promise -

The next morning, she rises with a sense of purpose, determination shining in her eyes despite the lingering echoes of the previous night's turmoil..

Stepping out into the crisp morning air, she feels a renewed sense of resolve coursing through her veins. The city awakens around her, bustling with life and energy, yet she carries with her a quiet strength that sets her apart. A good night sleep really does a lot of justice.

As she makes her way to work, her thoughts drift to the challenges that lie ahead. The encounter with the chief of justice weighs heavily on her mind, but she refuses to be consumed by bitterness or resentment. Instead, she focuses on the task at hand, channeling her emotions into a steadfast determination to excel in her responsibilities.

Arriving at her workplace, she finds herself greeted by the familiar hustle and bustle of the office. Colleagues exchange greetings and laughter, and her usual small talk.... the rhythm of the day unfolding with a sense of purpose and camaraderie.

Many ordered cakes, some ordered teas of different flavours, some ordered tea cakes.. the list went on. She didn't mind waiting her usual guests as she continued to distract herself from the last few nights of utter confusion.

As the day draws to a close, she reflects on the things she did today and the things she achieved. Though the encounter with the chief of justice still lingers as a poignant reminder of the complexities of her current lifestyle.

She cleans up a few tables, humming to herself a little. There were only a few people still seated in the cafe. She waited them yet again with her acting smile.

"Thank you... come again."

Y/n waved goodbye to many customers and thanks many for tips too. All in a days work. Nothing out of the blue.

Until she felt the presence of somebody behind her, and went into customer service autopilot...

"Good evening.. we are closing soon.. so we aren't serving ca—"


"I'm not here for food."

That stern voices sent her spine into paralysed fear. Reminiscent thoughts of the previous few days entered her mind yet again.

"I want to see you."


"That's not what you said the other night."

"Touché." He sighed quietly. If there's one thing about her that he battles with, it's her stubbornness.

"Just following orders." She also sighed.

"I'm sorry."



He sat down at a table beside her.

"But why... didn't you want to see me? Didn't you agree to help me avenge my parents..? And I agreed to help you in return?"

And.. queue the uncomfortable silence.

"I found some information about Tartaglia. I saw some photos of him and you together. You seemed awfully close.. I just had some suspicions.. it was bold of me to assume—"

"—that you're a fatui-"

"So is that all I am seen as? A pawn in the game of fontaine played by the hands of the fatui?"

She stops, before chucking to herself dryly.

"I see how things work in your court."

"No— that's not it—"

"You're just going to assume I'm one of them because of my past, aren't you?"

"Please, y/n, understand that I don't think of you in such ways."

"Then why did you get so mad at me over that? Over a photograph taken before I was 10...?"

... "if you must know, Monsieur. Tartaglia is a childhood friend of mine. We grew up together, inseparable. He was innocent back then, too child-like for his own good...but we quickly grew apart. I moved back to fontaine and.. he went to the a— he stayed in Snezhnaya... with his family. He returned some years later.. and he'd lost himself entirely to the idea that strength made him superior. And then obviously— that.. happened.."

"I see."

He got up a little bit from his chair, tapping his chin, while she turned away, getting a little worked up at the thought of him.

Neuvillette' face altered to one of pensive thinking to a small, unreadable smile.

"I apologise for my misunderstanding.."

"You didn't know."

"Can I ask you to promise me something?"

"...of course.."

"Never involve yourself with him or anything to do with him. For your own safety. I'm worried about you.."

Worry.. another emotion..

"I promise, Monsieur."



"I hope you know I continue to offer my support.. if you're willing to accept it still." He got up from his seat, looking down at her with a slight softness to his eyes. "I hope I can help you avenge your parents."

..."Thank you, Monsieur."



"Another promise?"

"Aren't you too old for this?"

He laughed a little bit.. "Offence taken, slightly. Just promise me you'll get home safe?"

She suddenly found herself remembering the last walk home from work. Tartaglia.. the delusion.. the bitter cold... Neuvillette.

Her pupils shook slightly, but she masked it well..

"I promise."

Goodnight, y/n."

...if only I could say more than that.

Hello I'm so tired it's actually MIDNIGHT RN lmao and I haven't slept in daaaays

200+ people discovered this. guys don't be afraid to talk to me I don't bite I'm nice I swear >:(

Anyway, goodnight <3

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