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- Final warning, dear -

Alone at home after the electrifying kiss, y/n finds herself in a whirlwind of emotions, her mind still reeling from the unexpected intimacy shared with the chief. She paces back and forth in her living room, her heart racing with a mixture of excitement and uncertainty. With each step, memories of their tender embrace flood her mind, sending shivers down her spine and causing her cheeks to flush with warmth. "Oh my god..."

Sinking into the plush cushions of her sofa, she closes her eyes and lets out a shaky breath, trying to make sense of the jumble of feelings swirling inside her. Part of her is exhilarated by the raw passion of the moment, relishing in the sweetness of his kiss and the promise it held for the future. But another part of her is filled with doubt and apprehension, unsure of where their newfound connection will lead and fearful of the challenges that lie ahead.

Lost in her thoughts, she replays the kiss in her mind, savoring every fleeting moment and allowing herself to bask in the warmth of his embrace. Despite the uncertainty looming on the horizon, she can't deny the undeniable spark that exists between them, a spark that ignites her soul and fills her with a newfound sense of hope. Maybe even a slight giggle...

As the evening wears on, she finds solace in the quiet of her home, her heart still racing with the memory of their kiss. Though the future may be uncertain, one thing is clear: she's ready to embrace whatever comes next, knowing that she'll face it with courage, determination, and a heart full of love.

She giggled to herself, yet again. With a soft, breathless giggle escaping her lips, y/n sinks into the comforting embrace of the couch, her heart fluttering with the residual warmth of their kiss. A radiant smile graces her features as she curls up against the plush cushions, relishing in the blissful haze of the moment. "God, what does this mean? Ugh."

Closing her eyes, she lets out a contented sigh, savoring the sweet memories of their intimate encounter. The weight of the world melts away as she basks in the quiet serenity of her surroundings, her mind awash with thoughts of the chief and the undeniable connection they share.

Lost in the gentle rhythm of her own heartbeat, she drifts into a tranquil reverie, her thoughts drifting to the possibilities that lie ahead. Despite the uncertainty of their future, she can't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation, eager to see where their newfound bond will lead.

The aura of happy energy was soon burst by a gut feeling of negativity... and a glisten of fear-shaped sweat began to bead on her head.

"I'm being ridiculous! It's just me at home—"

Knock knock knock...


"Open up, dear. I know you're home."

Okay, what the fuck.

The sudden knock at the door jolts y/n from her reverie, causing her to sit up straight with a start. Her heart skips a beat as she peers towards the entrance, curiosity mingling with a hint of apprehension.

With hesitant steps, she makes her way to the door, her pulse quickening with each passing moment. As she reaches out to grasp the handle, a surge of anticipation courses through her veins, her mind racing with endless possibilities of who could be on the other side.

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