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                     - winterish words don't lie -

The Chief returned to the room to find her still asleep, her form softened by the gentle embrace of slumber. With a quiet reverence, he approached her bedside, his footsteps barely a whisper against the floor.

As he gazed upon her peaceful countenance, a myriad of emotions flickered across his features—concern, tenderness, and a hint of something deeper, something he dared not name. He reached out to brush a stray lock of hair from her forehead, his touch feather-light against her skin.

For a moment, he simply stood there, watching over her as she slept, a silent guardian in the stillness of the night. And as the soft glow of moonlight filtered through the curtains, casting a gentle halo around her, he found himself inexplicably drawn to her, his heart stirring with a longing he struggled to understand. She really is beautiful, at least he thinks.

With a quiet sigh, he pulled the covers up around her shoulders, tucking her in with a tenderness born of instinct. As he turned to leave, she stirred slightly, her movements barely perceptible amidst the stillness of the room. The Chief paused, his gaze lingering on her sleeping form, a flicker of concern passing through his features. "Hm..?"

He hesitated for a moment, torn between the instinct to stay and watch over her and the knowledge that his presence might disturb her rest.

As she drifted in and out of consciousness, the words formed in her mind like gentle whispers carried on the ocean breeze. With a heavy yet determined heart, she mustered the strength to voice her plea, her words a fragile thread connecting her to him in the darkness.

"Stay," she murmured, her voice barely more than a whisper, yet filled with a depth of emotion that transcended the confines of wakefulness. "Please, don't leave me alone."

The Chief's response was immediate, his voice a soothing presence in the hazy realm between sleep and wakefulness. "I'm here," he whispered, his words a promise woven with threads of sincerity and steadfastness. "I'll stay with you, always."

And as she succumbed once more to the embrace of sleep, she felt a sense of peace wash over her, knowing that in the arms of the Chief, she was safe, cherished, and never truly alone.

As her consciousness waned, her hand reached out, seeking his in the dimly lit room. With a barely audible whisper, she pleaded, "I don't want you to go."

His response was immediate, his voice a tender melody in the quiet of the night. "I won't go anywhere," he assured her, his hand finding hers and intertwining their fingers gently. Their hands spoke volumes, a silent conversation of trust and connection that transcended words. In that moment, she felt a profound sense of peace wash over her, knowing he would stay by her side through it all.

In the hushed stillness of the room, she stirred slightly, her eyelids fluttering as if caught in a dream. Sensing her restlessness, he approached her bedside, his voice a soft whisper in the darkness.

"Are you only half awake?" he asked, his tone gentle yet filled with concern. But there's a hint of amusement too.

She blinked sleepily, her gaze meeting his with a mixture of gratitude and vulnerability. "I think so," she replied, her voice barely more than a murmur.

He settled into the chair beside her, his presence a comforting anchor in the quiet of the night. "How are you feeling?" he inquired, his eyes searching hers for any sign of discomfort. His hand never once left hers.

She paused, gathering her thoughts before responding. "Better, now that you're here," she admitted, a faint blush coloring her cheeks.

A smile tugged at the corners of the Chief's lips, his heart warmed by her words. "You're not still in pain, are you?" he said softly, reaching out to brush a stray lock of hair from her forehead.

"No.. I'm okay..."

As their eyes met in the dim light of the room, a silent understanding passed between them, a bond forged in the crucible of shared experience. And in that fleeting moment, amidst the uncertainty of the night, they found solace in each other's presence, a beacon of light guiding them through the darkness.

As they sat in the quiet of the room, a comfortable silence enveloped them, broken only by the soft sound of their breathing. The Chief glanced out the window, where moonlight filtered through the curtains, casting shifting patterns of light and shadow across the floor.

Suddenly, a soft melody drifted through the air, barely audible yet unmistakably familiar. It was the sound of a distant music box, its haunting melody echoing through the night like a whispered secret. A Melusine had set off the music box in the other room...

She turned to him, her eyes wide were beginning to open up a little bit more. "Do you hear that?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

The Chief nodded, a thoughtful expression crossing his features. "It's a music box," he replied, his voice tinged with nostalgia. "I haven't heard that tune in years."

As the music box played its blissful melody, she couldn't help but feel a twinge of confusion. Turning to the Chief, she furrowed her brow inquisitively. "Why do you have a music box?" she asked, her voice tinged with curiosity.

The Chief's expression softened, a hint of nostalgia flickering in his eyes. "It belonged to someone very dear to me," he replied, his voice tinged with emotion. "I've always wanted to learn to dance," the Chief admitted, his voice tinged with a hint of vulnerability. "But I've never had the time... which is why I just listen to the melody..."

His confession hung in the air, a quiet admission of a long-held desire.

Her confusion melted away, replaced by a sense of understanding and empathy. "I see," she murmured, her gaze lingering on the delicate music box. "It must hold a lot of sentimental value for you."

He nodded, a faint smile gracing his lips. "It does," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. "But now, it holds a new memory as well—a moment shared with you..."

"...I think every moment I share with you... ends up being one that carves itself into my mind for a little while..."

A warmth spread through her chest at his words, a sense of gratitude washing over her. "Thank you for sharing this with me," she said softly, reaching out to gently trace his hand.

Feeling the weight of exhaustion settling back over her, she sank back onto the bed, her eyelids growing heavy once more. Neuvillette watched over her with a sense of...love, his gaze filled with a mixture of tenderness and understanding.

"Rest now," he murmured softly, his voice a gentle caress against the stillness of the room. "I'll be here when you wake up."

With a grateful nod, she surrendered to the embrace of sleep, her breathing steady and even as she drifted off once more. And as she slipped into dreams, she found solace in the knowledge that he would keep watch over her, his unwavering presence a source of comfort in the darkness of the night.

In the tender stillness of the night, he pressed a gentle kiss to the back of her hand, a silent declaration of his affection. As she slept, her hand cradled in his, it spoke volumes of the bond forming between them—a promise of care and devotion that needed no words.

"Rest peacefully," he murmured, his breath brushing against her skin like a gentle caress. "In the stillness of the night, know that you're not alone. I'll be here, keeping vigil, until the dawn breaks and you awaken once more."

                         Yay romance yayaaayy

             I began writing an Arlecchino fic guys
                     U zestys better read it xox

               LOVE u all sm also pls follow and
              interact with me I DONT BITE grr

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