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                                 - sorrow filled -

The court case ended, and he was back in his office. The day had been long and tiring, and he was in need of a break. The case had been tough, but he managed to win it just like he always did. Despite that, it had been taxing on him physically and mentally. He sat down at his desk, letting out a long sigh as he brought his hands to his face and rubbed his eyes for a moment. I wish I could sleep more..

He flicked through the information files about the court case:

Suspect: Tartaglia, "Childe"
- Monoceros Caeli -
• Young, around 26-29.
• Male. 5'11 / 182cm.
• Hydro vision possessor.
• Accused of sharing dangerous delusions with visionless people. A delusion is an experiment by the Fatui to give the ability to manipulate the elements. It uses the remains of dead gods to channel elements. If given to a visionless individual, can cause immense power that will eventually backfire.
• Forging a contract about a delusion.
• Claims he came to Fontaine for a "holiday"

This individual is known as a fatui harbinger. He serves the tsaritsa. It would seem more information is needed on him before a proper sentence is given.
For the meantime, we'll keep him in the fortress.

Neuvillette rubbed his temples again. There wasn't enough information about this man known to fully declare him a criminal, yet all the evidence links back to him. He turned his head to face the stained glass windows that circled his office. It was dark out. A clear night, a couple of stars.. but no sign of clouds. He pulled at the low ribbon hung at the tips of his hair, before tying it in a higher ponytail. He draped his coat over his chair, and brushed the loose framing strands away from his pale face.

The night was quiet and peaceful. His office was quiet and peaceful. There was no more chaos and drama. But despite that, there was still an overwhelming sense of loneliness in his heart. The moon shone brightly in the night sky, the stars sparkling in its bright light. He leaned back on his seat, just.. staring. Staring at the night that was shining from his windows. The darkness felt comforting and familiar, and he felt lost in his thoughts again...

That girl from earlier today, claimed she had some information. Perhaps a new lead?

That girl is y/n. I don't know her too well. But I see her around a lot.

Weren't her parents fatui...?

Not like it mattered anyway. She had potential information. Any information was welcomed at this point, anything to get this fatui issue under control.

He checked over his notes again, thinking about what kind of information could be surfaced to him.

Speak of the devil himself.

"Monsieur.. you have a visitor it would seem."  A small Melusine exclaimed.

"At this hour...?" sigh. "Bring them in." He couldn't really be bothered to socialise. He didn't like talking to others outside of work purposes, but refuses to admit that whenever someone asks why he feels lonely. He didn't mind though, a conversation once in a while is good.. maybe. If work wasn't so in the way, he wonders if his social bubble would branch out a little more.

It's y/n.

She entered the room, taking in the dimmed lights alongside stained glass windows that glistened with blueish beauty. "Sorry for the late visit... a guard told me to drop by whenever and I figured you wouldn't be too busy in the evening." She stated, as the Melusine skipped off to finish some work. "I hope now isn't a bad time." She tried to remain well mannered. Something about this guy was intimidating..

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