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                           - the story goes on ,
                      words fall like raindrops -

A few days passed by, and today was the day she decided to visit the chief with some more information. She had some things left to say, and she decided that she trusted him.

He was the one she'd developed a trusting bond with. They'd been "coincidentally" seeing each other around the court several times lately, so she took that as a sign for her to go and visit him and reel off the extra information she retained.

It had already gotten pretty late, actually, around 7pm.. but she didn't get dressed until she had to go out. Weekends were like a way for her to unwind.

She looked in the mirror, looking at the outfit she'd picked out, finishing off the minor details. She tied the bow in the back of her hair and let it set on her shoulder, while the jewellery she choice complimented her eyes. She gave herself some motivation, and even made herself some notes to give to Neuvillette, before looking over at the delusion box on her desk.

She sighed to herself. "I'll never use it. Not even if I'm weak."  Y/n didn't want to believe she was so weak to the point only a delusion would support her.. but she knew she wasn't strong.

She knew that didn't matter, though. What mattered to her was getting the justice she deserved, and in the Region of Fontaine, it was like a walk in the park.

She took a slow wonder down the pathways in Fontaine, breathing in the crisp, evening air...looking at the flowers and smiling to herself gently. She appreciated life in all forms.. after all, she considered herself pretty sentimental.. and relaxed. However, behind her unbothered demeanour, hid a girl who was still cut short of her childhood wishes. Sometimes when she's alone, or if she thinks too hard, she starts to think about all the things she could have done with her family. Y/n grew slightly emotional internally, but did her best to repress it in her expressions, much like how commedia dell'arte masks conceal emotions of puppets in the game of tragedy.

The Palais Mermonia stood grandly in-front of her, surrounded by busy working Melusines and other passer-by's in Fontaine doing their daily stroll. She took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, her mind revising the things she had planned to say to Neuvillette.

"Good evening, Madame.. here to see the chief?"

She nodded slightly. "I.. am actually, yes."

"Delightful, come with me."

After a short while, a melusine showed her the way to his office, taking her on a little bit of a stroll around Palais Mermonia. It was nice inside, y/n liked the pretty chandeliers.

"You're a friend of Monsieur Neuvillette, I assume?"

A friend? She hadn't really thought about that..

"... I guess you could say that."

The Melusine giggled a tad before she stopped at a door.

"Here you are, dear."

Y/n was hesitant.. ..but she thanked the small creature and entered his office, the tiny hairs on the back of her neck raised slightly with a newfound sense of nervousness. She swallowed.

She gently opened the door to his office, it creaking slightly.

"..good morning.. sir." She smiled only slightly, hoping it won't make anything awkward.

"Y/n..? How come you're stopping by?"

"Well um.. you said to come and see you with any information I may have at anytime so.. here I am.."

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