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                                    - Epilogue  -

The trial is now in session..

"You've got it all wrong.. how would I ever have access to a delusion? I bare a vision, I don't need something as pathetic as a delusion to keep me going." Argued a voice from a box upon the wall of the court.

"Besides, just because I'm a fatui, doesn't mean I'm here doing fatui things... I'm on a spontaneous holiday. Again, don't need a pathetic delusion to do that!"

Pathetic, huh?

The two seated themselves at the back of the court, observing the vocal combat between both sides.

"Then explain this. If you claim that you aren't in possession of a delusion... then why were you spotted here. Are you suggesting your prosecution is a liar?" Spoke a deep and interesting voice... Of course, none other than the chief of justice of Fontaine, Neuvillette.

A guard offered forward photographic evidence taken on a Kamera. A photo of this harbinger making some kind of contract with somebody..

Why are you so familiar... you can't be the same harbinger who...

"That could mean anything. What, you think just because there's a photo of me handing someone something, it means I'm offering someone a delusion? Not cool." The man rolled his eyes, seemingly enough, he wasn't taking this court case seriously at all.. "You Fontaine people are so obsessed with justice that you're turning a blind eye to real innocence." He mocked, scoffing while gesturing to himself, causing even the chief of justice to raise an eyebrow.

Navia was so invested in the trial... too invested to speak, and the trial continued, much how like the show must go on.

All I can think about is how familiar you are to me. A delusion.. a fatui.. a familiar story to me.. The somebody in the photo.. the contract. Am I hallucinating? This can't be right.

"Fine, fine, send me to your fortress then, since you think I'm so guilty." Sniggered the ginger fatui, who apparently went by the name "Ajax".

"Woah.. delusions, in Fontaine? And the fatui? This is kinda crazy huh..." Navia looked at the stage with bright eyes full of curiosity, wonder and inquisitiveness.. before glancing at the friend beside her... who was completely drowning in her own thoughts.

"Are you still in the room with us..." She waved a hand in-front of her face.. "Y/n... hello?" She blinked.

Snap back to reality, y/n. Your parents aren't coming back. The delusion got to them before you could.

She snapped back to life. "Sorry.. Navia I was just- thinking... about..uh...these court cases can get so intense... can't they?" She played it off with a smile, like how a Melpomene and Thalia play off emotions in theatre.

The trial took a brief intermission, before judgement was decided. Neuvillette and Furina had moved down to the stage instead, and audience members spoke to one another with the desire to know verdict.

Should I say something..?

I have potential.. information. This individual, Ajax. Childe. Tartaglia. Whatever he wanted to mask himself as. You know what you did. You know what you did to my family. I have enough information on you. This whole court doesn't know as much as I do..

...Maybe they could benefit from it?

With a hesitant sigh and a look of contemplation, she rose from her seat at the back of the court room, and approached the group of guards surrounding the chief of justice. Navia blinked at the sudden move of confidence from her best friend.

"Wait.. y/n, where are you—?"

She approached a guard and cleared her throat. "Sir, I think I have some information on this individual you could benefit from." She nodded. "Perhaps I could drop by an office later to discuss the matter at hand.."

"This fatui is already as good as guilty. At this point, there's no innocent conviction." The guard thanked her regardless. "However... this means so much. Thank you.. feel free to stop by whenever you can."

Now it's my time for my vengeance..

The guards returned to their positions in the courtroom.

The show must go on.

"We now turn to the judgement of the Oratrice Mecanique d'Analyse Cardinale.." which glowed its blue hue as it converted people's belief in justice into Indemnitium, a power source used in the Court of Fontaine.


How expected of a fatui.

Exaggerated applauds filled the courtroom, as the chief of justice pushed his cane to the ground. The court glistened with watery justice and oceanic order, as the oratrice shimmered with lawful light.

"Just another fatui criminal.."

"These fatui never learn..."

"Trust our chief of justice to save us.."

Curtains, close at once.

3 parts in the space of an hour?
yes! this has been sat in my drafts for too mf long

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