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                      - mistakes are often made -

Her shift dragged on. Coffee spillages and tea stained rings left of tables being wiped away by the towel that hung out of the pocket of her apron. She dealt with many customers, the whole time faking her smile and cheery disposition.

Around 6 hours later, she'd finished her shift. It was late, dark, and a little bit of the frostiness had lingered in the air from the previous snowfall. 

She took off her apron and hung it up in the changing room, leaving her name tag with it. She stepped out into the streets, the crisp wind leaving a sprinkle of pink on her. She wondered down the pathway, thinking back to her recent conversation with Neuvillette. He was so willing to help her, and she was so willing to trust him. She'd never really trusted so easily before... in fact, she didn't really tell anyone how she felt.

The night was young, and the views were as scenic as ever. She took a slow walk home, watching birds pass by. So peaceful. And tranquil.

She was so glad to be out. Alone, admiring the views..


A sudden emerge of footsteps. 



Who are you.

"Did you think I wouldn't find out?"


Who's there?

"Y/n, don't ignore me." The voice mocked from the shadows.

"Who are you?" A singular bead of fear-filled sweat threatened to form on her head. "Why are you hiding? Scared or something?" She faked her bravery. She was visionless, how would that even work out? "Stop being a wimp, I don't have all day."

She was truly in fear now. However that voice could only suggest it was...

"You know who I am. You sure couldn't keep my name out of your mouth when you spilled everything about your past to that chief, hm?" Finally, the voice from the shadow revealed himself.

"I'm not gonna harm you, y/n. I just want to talk."

It was as if a horror story became live action right there in the street. All the memories bled back into her vision, she couldn't escape the sight in-front of her. None other that the harbinger than betrayal her childhood. He stood before her, tall, proud and decorated with a smirk that suggested his plan was in motion. His bow was on his back, his stance suggested one of confidence.

"Get away from me." Y/n resisted as she was totally in denial about what was going on. "I never ever wanted to see you again."


That elicited a laugh from him. "Oh come on. Don't you miss me even slightly?" Tartaglia punched her on the arm gently and jokingly, as if their previous friendship was still holding. "Still salty?"

"How could I not be salty? Are you insane? Look at what you did to me."

"You killed them."

She genuinely wanted to cry on the spot. "And no I don't miss you, you're dead to me."

"Harsh." He faked a pout. "I want to give you something."

"I don't want to take anything from you. Get out of my life."

"Aw.. y/n. Do you really want to be weak like your parents were?"

A line was crossed. How could you even say that?

"You're sick." The tears in her eyes threatened to slip if even one more word came from him. "You're truly a sick bastard." Don't cry, you can't seem weak right now.

"Vulgar language. Gosh, you really don't like me do you? Anyways... you're still visionless, aren't you? Well, what's to say I don't have a way for you to be powerful...."

"Redeem yourself, y/n. You've been weak for so so long now. Don't you want to feel a surge of power within you? Don't you want everyone to stop viewing you as just some weak waitress. Listen to me."

"This all sounds too familiar." But her interest was devastatingly piqued. "Don't bother—"

Another laugh came from him. "I want you to have something." He held out his hand for her to take something from. "You'll be fine soon."

"I'm not taking anything."

"Give me a chance to redeem myself."

"You're dead to me."

He gave her something in a small black box. "Once you open this box, I promise.. you'll be better than ever."

"How can I trust that..?"

"You can't... you can only try."

She took the box, feeling a slight prick on her fingertips as the box settled in her palm. It gave her an uncanny feeling of worry. What was in this box?

"But I..."

"I'll be leaving now, y/n. I've missed you a lot."

...He smiled a little bit to himself as he looked at her, memories of childhood despair flooding back to both of them. Memorial was present on both their faces.

"Dare I say.. you've grown to be fairly pretty."

"Stay safe out there. It's a dangerous world when you don't have a vision to protect yourself."

He waved goodbye, leaving salty cheeks and runny makeup on her behalf.

"Bye.. Tartaglia."


                              I'm so sleepy bro

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