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                          - please return to me -

"You claim to have found something?" He spoke with urgency, seating himself on the chair faced with the guard, a look of desperation written legibly upon his face. "Please. Any information, I'll take it."

"In... the Beryl Region... we found this ring, and... what looks like part of a vision."

Neuvillette locked eyes with the ring, causing his pupils to dilate slightly as a few memories scribbled their way back into his mind. It was the ring on the finger he had kissed on the night of ball. "That's her ring, I'll confirm that. But.. y/n doesn't have a vision. It can't be hers." He rubbed his temples, false hope decorated his features as he whispered silent prayers to himself. He didn't care what it took - he wanted her back in his arms with him again.

"Allow me to keep hold of the vision parts for now, if you would. I know somebody who can check the evidence for me. Thank you, your work is acknowledged." He forced a polite smile to the guards who bowed and walked away in a hurry.

"Monsieur Neuvillette, the trial of  Tartaglia is in 2 days. Do we have any more evidence we need to certify?"


Oh god. The trial. His mind had been so flurried with blurred ideas of where the one girl who made his emotions spiral out of control could be.

"...I'm afraid it slipped my mind entirely."

"You have a lot on your mind, sir, you should really take a rest. We can postpone the trial if needs be!" The Melusine spoke with tenderness. I guess the Melusines owe the Chief much... since he fought for their right for life in Fontaine. "I can go through with postponing it. However... if I may ask.. why has y/n's disappearance got you so jumbled? People go missing in Fontaine... it's not a rare event."

"I was afraid I'd be asked that question."

"You don't have to answer me, sir! I suppose we are all just worried about you. You haven't taken a bite to eat for the last 2 days. And all that's happened in Fontaine is pure rain. The streets are flooded." She set down a glass of water on his desk, and a plate of fondants, hoping he'd at least eat something. "Besides, maybe she's important to you."

As Neuvillette stood before the Melusine, grappling with the weight of his emotions, he found himself at a loss for words. Deep within the recesses of his mind, a torrent of conflicting feelings raged, threatening to overwhelm his carefully constructed facade of detachment.

"It's... complicated," he began, his voice faltering as he struggled to articulate the turmoil within him. "I... care for her deeply, in a way I can't quite explain. It's more than just caring... I feel empty when I don't see her around on my usual walk. Or if she doesn't stop by..."

"I think I understand this one."

"Please enlighten me. It's driving me wild and it isn't helping that we can't find many traces of her." He let out a deep sigh, faint traces of purple had already formed beneath his eyes.

The Melusine regarded him with a knowing look, her gaze penetrating the walls he had erected around his heart. "Love, Chief. You're in love." she murmured, the word hanging in the air between them like a whispered secret. "It's not a bad thing. It's a good thing."

"I- what?"

Love? Such a complex emotion. Not even some humans are able to feel it. If not even humans can sometimes, then how would a non-human face this?

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