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                                - time is ticking -

As Neuvillette sat in his dimly lit office, the weight of the case bearing down on his shoulders like a heavy mantle. Papers were strewn across his desk, each one a piece of the puzzle in the ongoing investigation. His brow furrowed in concentration as he poured over the details, searching for any clue that might lead him closer to the truth.

Outside, the city bustled with life, oblivious to the darkness that lurked in its shadows. But here, in the heart of the police precinct, he toiled away in solitude, his only companion the steady ticking of the clock on the wall.

Despite the late hour, his determination burned bright, fueled by a relentless drive to see justice served. With every passing moment, he delved deeper into the labyrinthine depths of the case, determined to uncover the secrets that lay hidden beneath the surface.

But as the hours stretched on and exhaustion threatened to overtake him, Neuvillette refused to yield. For he knew that in the pursuit of truth, there could be no rest until justice prevailed. And so, with steely resolve, he continued to work into the night, his unwavering dedication lighting the way forward in the darkness.

As the night wore on, fatigue began to weigh heavily on Neuvillette's eyelids. The soft glow of the desk lamp cast long shadows across the room, the gentle hum of the air conditioning providing a soothing backdrop to his weary thoughts. "Hm..."

Despite his best efforts to stay focused, the lines of text on the pages before him blurred together, the words dancing mockingly in front of his tired eyes. His head grew heavy, nodding forward in brief moments of unintended slumber.

With each passing minute, the pull of sleep became increasingly irresistible, beckoning him into its embrace with a siren's call. Yet, even in the midst of exhaustion, Neuvillette fought against the encroaching darkness, clinging stubbornly to consciousness in a battle against the inevitable. His head slumped forward onto the desk, the rhythmic sound of his breathing the only indication of his peaceful surrender to the night. "No.. can't sleep.. busy."

Neuvillette delved deeper into the intricate web of evidence spread out before him, each document a thread in the complex tapestry of the case. His brow furrowed in concentration as he meticulously examined every detail, searching for the elusive clue that would unravel the mystery. "Tartaglia... hm? Handing out delusions to the innocent?"

Page after page, he pored over witness statements, forensic reports, and surveillance footage, piecing together the timeline of events with painstaking precision. The soft glow of the desk lamp illuminated his features, casting deep shadows across the room as he worked late into the night.

"It seems every single one of his previous victims... have seemingly vanished after contact with their delusion."

Despite the late hour, Neuvillette remained steadfast in his pursuit of justice, his determination unwavering in the face of adversity. With each revelation, he felt a sense of satisfaction, knowing that he was one step closer to uncovering the truth hidden beneath layers of deception.

"...due to guilt? How... suspicious."

Neuvillette pondered the implications of the latest discovery, his brow furrowed in deep concentration. The pieces of the puzzle were slowly falling into place, painting a disturbing picture of manipulation and deceit.

"This is sickening."

As he delved deeper into the case, Neuvillette couldn't shake the feeling of unease that settled in the pit of his stomach. The idea that someone could exploit the vulnerabilities of others for their own twisted purposes filled him with a mix of anger and frustration.

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