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                   - uncanny ability of others -

Eventually, she made her way to bed.

She didn't know what to do. That encounter threw her off entirely.

"That's unusual..." She stood in her door frame in slight bewilderment, wondering if she'd perhaps done something to make the one person who began to thaw on the ice block of her mistrust... dismiss her presence?

"I don't understand..."

She sighed a little bit, tying up her hair and playing with the straps of her tank top. She reminded herself that her desk... was occupied with the box she'd received.

She looked down at the box now in her palm. Did he think she was weak? She can't be weak. Not to him.

"... hm..?"

She sighs a little bit, but goes in for the kill regardless. 

"Guess it won't hurt.."

She cautiously lifts the lid of the mysterious box, anticipation and trepidation intertwining in her heart. As the lid creaks open, a shimmering glow of deceit spills forth, casting the room in an otherworldly light.. like uncanny wisps, begin to emerge, each one carrying with it a fragment of her past. Her eyes widen is shock.

The air crackles with unnerving energy as she finds herself enveloped in a whirlwind of confusion. Memories long buried resurface with an intensity that leaves her breathless, emotions swirling like a tempest within her soul.

She finds herself confronted with the raw enemy of her past...

The sole item that found itself capable of ruining her childhood...

a delusion.

The glass casting over the delusion glistened with distrust, each glimmer a mirror reflecting the depths of her own psyche. The room pulses with dramatic tension as she grapples with the complexities of her history, navigating the turbulent waters of her emotions with a fierce determination.

And suddenly she's deeper into the labyrinth of her own mind, confronting demons and reliving moments that she had long since tried to forget. Yet, amidst the chaos, there is a glimmer of catharsis— but she doesn't understand why.

"What the—" she rubbed her eyes.

"What kind of sick lucid dream is this?"

Why on earth...

... He gifted her the delusion as a symbolic gesture, a cryptic message woven into the fabric of their shared history. It was merely a physical object, yet a metaphorical key meant to unlock hidden truths and stir dormant emotions within her memories she wished not to dwell on.

Perhaps he recognized that she had been living in a state of agony, suppressing painful memories and refusing to confront the complexities of her past. By presenting her with the delusion, perhaps he sought to disrupt the illusion of control that she had constructed around herself, urging her to confront the ghosts that lingered in the shadows of her mind.

Maybe to him, the delusion could serve as a catalyst for her journey of self-discovery and healing.

That's bullshit, y/n. He's bad news.

"... promised power?"


"You're such a bullshitter, Tartaglia."

She laughs to herself..


But laughter is a mask of sadness in the long run. She sobbed a little bit, through a suppressed smile. "I can't believe you..."

She put the delusion back in the box, not wanting to be faced with it ever again. She looks out of her window, noticing the rain pouring outside.

"I'm not weak. And I'm not that desperate for power..."

"... not now at least."

author time !!
guys I'm super tired and also wowza more people are finding this than I anticipated HAHSHA

enjoy tho, I won't stop u ;)

fluff (angst) coming soon :p

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