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                  - rain means more than let on  -

The chief of justice laid in bed unable to sleep, after he previously woke up, the weight of his previous actions hangs heavy upon him like a suffocating shroud. The once-familiar surroundings now seem cold and distant, mirroring the tumultuous storm raging within his heart. He wishes sleep will come back over him.

Regret gnaws at him, a relentless beast tearing at his conscience with sharp claws of guilt. He replays the encounter with her in his mind, each harsh word and dismissive gesture a dagger piercing his soul. The realization of the pain he inflicted upon someone he once cared for weighs heavily upon him, casting a shadow over the solitude of his home.

"Maybe I should have in-fact allowed her to explain."

In the quiet of his abode, the chief of justice  forced himself to confront the echoes of his own fallibility. Beneath the veneer of authority and stoicism lies a vulnerable heart, battered and bruised in secret, and an insatiable loneliness. He wished to undo the damage, to reach out and mend the beginning of a fractured bond with her, but uncertainty and fear hold him back, trapping him in a cycle of self-doubt and remorse.

"You still promised to tell me more..."

"And I promised to help you..."

He rolled over and looked out the window.

As the night wears on, he finds himself left to grapple with the complexities of forgiveness and redemption, wrestling with the demons of his own making in the lonely confines of his home.

"It's still raining..."

"... why is it still raining?"

Sleep lingered on his eyelids and in the back of his mind, a pendulum of drowsiness hypnotising his mind into slumber yet again.

"I wish you'd forget that happened..."

He laughed to himself slightly.

"Is it weird... that I want to see you again?"

Sleep took over. Eventually.

                  no Neuvillette beb it's not weird
                          quick chapter for now
                         because I'm so tired and
                            have no motivation

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