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—> an interlude chapter - my letter to you, my love.


Hi y/n. It's me.

My Dearest y/n,

I'm sitting with you now, my heart aches with a pain I never thought possible. The mere thought of your absence fills me with an emptiness that words cannot adequately express. I don't know what to do now.

From the moment I met you, you became a beacon of light in my life, illuminating the darkest corners of my soul with your radiant presence. Your laughter was like music to my ears, your smile a ray of sunshine on even the cloudiest of days.

I've never fell in love before. I never knew I was capable of being in love. I never knew I was capable of emotion. You've made me feel things I didn't know were entirely possible. I love you more than words are capable of writing. Or saying. Or even thinking...

...or even actions.

But now, as I stare at this scene before me, I am overwhelmed by the weight of all the words left unspoken, all the moments left unshared. How I long to hold you in my arms once more, to feel the warmth of your touch, to hear the sound of your voice echoing in the halls of my mind.

Do you remember the night we were supposed to go on that beach date? Yeah. I'd planned to take you on a walk to see the sunset on that specific part of the beach I like. I had prepared things to say to you. I'd prepared a lot.

I know it wasn't your fault. You... were gone. You... we're missing.

I've been sitting with you here for 5 hours now. It's 4am. I refuse to let you go.

I cannot help but replay our time together, each memory a bittersweet reminder of what once was and what could have been. And in those fleeting moments of remembrance, I find solace in the knowledge that our love transcends the boundaries of time and space, that even in death, you will always be a part of me.

I just wish it didn't have to be like this.

I promise to cherish every moment we shared, to hold onto the memories we created with all the strength in my being. And though you may be gone from this world, know that you will forever remain in my heart, a beacon of love and light guiding me through the darkness.

Until we meet again, my love, know that you are dearly missed and eternally loved.

I never cared what everyone thought of you. You weren't weak, you were everything I could've dreamed of.

Oh my god, I really love you.

With all my heart,





"It's so bright here..."

"And cold... I'm cold."


"Y/n. Oh, my dear! You're just as beautiful as you were when you were younger. We've missed you so much."

"What... who's there?"

"W-wait? Where am I?"

"Y/n. Don't worry, you're safe. For the meantime, you're in a better place with us now. The word is cruel truly. We've missed you so much."


"I'm here too, kid."

" What's going on?"

"Listen to me, y/n. Where you are now is a world between worlds."

"But... the delusion... Tartaglia left me— I'm not alive anymore. My conscious is gone. I'm already looking younger, haha.."

"Oh dear, listen to yourself! You sound just like your mother."


"Who... who is the man holding you...?"

"That's... Neuvillette. He's... really important to me."

"I really... adore him."


"Oh, dear.."

"See, love? We can't let her stay here! Mariya, my dear, she might be our child, but she has life ahead of her."


"You're right. It was selfish of me...

...listen, y/n. You're going to be here for a little bit. Soon enough, you're going to be okay. Do you understand?"


"Okay, my dear. Come give your mom a hug. It's been 11 years."

"..I love you both."

"I love... I love you."


            if this doesn't make sense, I'll elaborate

                             night my pookies<3

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