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                    - dancing with the shadows -

"Two to tango? You're getting wordier everyday, Monsieur."

He offers a glove covered hand to her, and when she accepts, he tugs her slightly closer to him. "So, have you been to many balls like this before?"

She chuckled a little bit, as he laced his fingers between hers. "A few, here and there. But I've never attended one with a Chief of Justice before.."

"Yes, there's definitely a certain energy in the air. Perhaps it's the anticipation of the unknown.. Or maybe it's just the company. I must admit, I'm quite enjoying your presence, m'lady." He tilted his head downwards, as if a silent bow of admiration.

"Well, y/n, I consider myself fortunate to be with you amidst the sea of faces in this room..."

If you look really closely, you might be able to see her pupils dilate slightly. "What a gentleman."

"I see no other way to be when I'm with you."

A violin and piano melody began to fill the ballroom, beckoning for guests to dance.

"Well, shall we dance?"

"Oh, I'm not sure... I'm not very skilled when it comes to dancing." She looked away bashfully, maybe it was because she was embarrassed that she couldn't dance... but the grip he had on her hand told a different story.

"Nonsense. Allow me to be your guide. I'll teach you the steps."

"Well, if you insist..."

The Chief tightens his grip on her hand and leads her to the center of the dance floor. With a gentle smile, he begins to demonstrate the graceful movements of a melodic waltz, guiding her through each step with patience and precision.

"You see? It's all about rhythm and grace. Just follow my lead. I think you're doing great."

"I'll do my best, but I can't promise I won't step on your toes..."

As they move together in perfect harmony, the Companion's confidence begins to grow, her movements becoming more fluid with each passing moment. Under the Chief's expert guidance, she begins to find her footing, twirling and spinning with newfound grace and elegance.

As the music swelled around them, the Chief and his companion moved together in perfect harmony, their bodies intertwining in a mesmerizing dance of grace and elegance. With each step, they seemed to glide across the floor as if weightless, their movements fluid and effortless.

The Chief's strong yet gentle hands guided her with a tenderness that belied his stoic exterior, his touch sending shivers of warmth coursing through her veins. With every twirl and spin, she felt herself being swept away on a tide of emotion, lost in the intoxicating rhythm of the waltz.

For a brief moment, his hand ran down her side, slipping to grip her waist. He tugged her a slight bit closer yet again, his grip speaking possession volumes. "I can't explain how I feel right now."

His face was right in-front of hers. If one of them was to slip forward or even inch slightly closer, they wouldn't be far off from kissing. She found herself slightly flustered... but Neuvillette didn't seem to understand this..

Regardless, he thought she was truly angelic.

Their eyes meet, and for a fleeting moment, time seems to stand still as they lose themselves in the beauty of the dance. "But you're the only one I want to look at for the whole night." In that moment, amidst the swirling melodies and gentle whispers of the night, they find solace and joy in each other's arms.

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