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- ballroom extravaganza -

The next morning ran normal, yet the day in the same pattern as a broken record. She had work, and had to leave his hospitality. He also had to work, but really didn't wish to leave her side...

The Chief strode purposefully into his office, the early morning light casting a soft glow over the room. His footsteps echoed off the walls, the only sound in the stillness of the morning. As he approached his desk, his eyes swept over the familiar sight of paperwork piled high, files stacked haphazardly, and the ever-present chaos of his workspace. His office remained a disaster of organisation.

But amidst the disorder of nerve, something caught his attention – a pristine envelope, placed with deliberate care in the center of his desk. It stood out starkly against the clutter, its crisp edges and unblemished surface a stark contrast to the disarray surrounding it.

A sense of unease crept over the Chief as he reached for the envelope, his fingers hesitating for a moment before making contact with the smooth paper. There was something ominous about the envelope, something that made his instincts prickle with warning.

With a furrowed brow, he carefully lifted the envelope, turning it over in his hands as he searched for any indication of its origin. But there was nothing – no return address, no postmark, no clue as to who might have sent it.

"Dear Monsieur Neuvillette"

The Chief's heart quickened with a mixture of curiosity and apprehension as he tore open the envelope, revealing the message inside. As he read the elegant script of the invitation, a chill ran down his spine. It was an invitation — and invitation an event shrouded in mystery and intrigue, and one that he couldn't shake the feeling he was meant to attend.

"Esteemed Chief,

It is with great pleasure that I extend to you an invitation to partake in an enchanting evening of revelry and mystery. You are cordially invited to join us at the grand ballroom for a masquerade ball unlike any other.

The grandeur of the ballroom will come alive with the allure of hidden identities and whispered secrets. With masked faces and hearts open to adventure, we shall embark on a journey of intrigue and delight.

Your presence is not only requested but eagerly anticipated, as we gather to celebrate the beauty of the unknown and the thrill of discovery. Join us as we dance beneath the starlit sky and lose ourselves in the magic of the moment.

Please come prepared to unveil the mysteries that await within the grand ballroom's hallowed halls.

With warmest regards and highest anticipation.

- The steambird team."

A ballroom dance? Cliché.

The Chief's expression remained stoic as he finished reading the ornate invitation, his features betraying none of the awe or excitement that one might expect from such an elegant missive. Instead, a flicker of uninterested danced in his eyes, a silent questioning of the motives behind the invitation. It wasn't uncommon for The Steambird to host events, however.

For a moment, he simply sat in silence, the weight of the invitation heavy in his hands. Despite its graceful wording and elaborate presentation, it failed to stir any sense of anticipation within him. Instead, he couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered in the back of his mind, a nagging suspicion that there was more to this invitation than met the eye. This ball, however, could seriously unlock some clues and demolish the deceit of the current case.

With a sigh, the Chief set the invitation aside, his thoughts already turning to the investigation that awaited him. Whatever secrets lay hidden within the grand ballroom's walls would have to wait – for now, his duty lay elsewhere.

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