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                           - too bad to be true -

Another day in work meant the chief of justice would be isolated away in his office, flipping through files of previous cases and unjustified action. For some reason, he wasn't as tired today. Maybe he slept better last night? He thought back to the last week and how it felt relaxing. A lot of time with the traveller... and seeing y/n around.

The strawberry tarts from a few days ago played on his mind a little bit. He couldn't deny they were nice... the cafe was nice too. Or was it maybe that she was there? No.. that can't be it.. he just liked the food.

Maybe he'd stop by after work? Or maybe he wouldn't have time. The court trial continued next week, he didn't have much time to loose. They were seconds away from discovering the true cause of the death of a visionless woman, and a sickening story of a man playing with delusion.

He flicked over some of the notes about the case that he'd been previously reading about Tartaglia. He was getting slightly bored.. "delusion.." this.. "deceit" that... he was kind of sick of the same old words.

"Childe Tartaglia grew up in Snezhnaya. He was granted a hydro vision when he was young. He believe family is first."

Family first my ass.

No use to me.

I don't care about your past.

He continued to flick through the files, yawning slightly as he realised this case is actually something that could wear him out. All the photos from Tartaglia's Kamera had been developed in order to obtain more evidence of his crimes. The photos weren't very helpful to Neuvillette however, he didn't find any use for them.


Some of this photos dated back to ages ago..

A photo of him with his brother, assumingly.

A photo of him, fishing.

A photo of  Snezhnaya.

These really aren't helpful.

A photo of him with a group of people, presumingly other harbingers. They had a look to them.

A photo of Liyue Harbor.

A photo of.. a blacked out vision?

... and a final photo.

A photo of a middle aged man and woman. They seemed fairly healthy, though neither bared visions. A young boy with ginger hair.. presumably tartaglia himself.

And another girl, a girl with  h/c hair and.. she was young and visionless too. Um..

He stared. He stared for a long long time.

She looked familiar.

"Is that..?"

The more he stared at the photo the more things began to pieced together in his mind.

"Oh my god?"

That was y/n. How could he have not noticed?

No.. no.. this isn't true...

He looked bewildered at this. Him and her. They were friends? Suddenly all the trust he placed in her dripped away much like how his sadness dropped down the windows. Was she just lying to him? Was this some sickening scheme to deceive the justice system in Fontaine.

Maybe he's just jumping to conclusions, but his lack of trust was pulling strings upon his mind.

He stepped out of his office, stepping with a seemingly angry step as he passed by a Melusine. God, he thought she was just a girl with a tragic past. How could this be true?


"I don't have time to talk."

"O-ok.. Well, see you tomorrow, Monsieur." the Melusine looked at him with a slight appearance of sadness present upon her face.

He needed a walk. He needed a breath of fresh air. He feels queasy.

How could a girl like her be involved with someone like him?

How unsuspecting.


          Help does this chapter even make sense lol
                         Knave drip market :D
                         SHES SO FATHER ugh

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