The exam week was hectic and Banyue was the only one who made it easier but Yue Yanzi made it worser.
Due to some god forsaken reason he was placed behind him for the exam and he had copied the Qingxuan's whole damn paper.
After the week got over Xie Lian had texted him that he was going to catch tomorrow's flight and reach there after 6hrs making Shi Qingxuan feel pumped up.
He Xuan started texting Shi Qingxuan once he was in the airport. Oddly enough he hadn't asked him about the whole "Yue Yanzi" business because it would have been awkward.
After contemplating whether he should go to the airport with Pei Xiu's father to pick his brother up and meeting He Xuan there or wait.
After half an hour Shi Qingxuan found himself in the airport anxiously peeking over people's heads.
When something cold touched his neck making him crinkle his neck.
"Your hairs become longer through the year"a arrogant voice said.
"Who are you again?" Shi Qingxuan turned looking at Pei Ming who would have almost grown a feet taller then him."Xiao-xuan" and soon he was engulfed by a tornado who was his brother.
"You have grown so much, you should trim your hair don't you think?" Shi Wudu said catching his brother in his arms not leaving him.
"I'm fine with my hair and it would be weird if I stayed the same like 1 year ago ge" Shi Qingxuan said freeing himself from Shi Wudu's grip.
He excused himself telling that he wanted to go meet Xie Lian. And as he wondered around the gate something cold again pressed on his back.
"Pei Ming you monkey" Shi Qingxuan snapped as he turned around but found a stone faced He xuan eating a vanilla ice-cream with a chocolate ice-cream in his hand.
"Ah...I mistook you for someone else sorry" Shi Qingxuan looked at He Xuan apologetically while He Xuan shived the ice-cream in his hand.
Shi Qingxuan ate his ice cream while trailing behind He Xuan who led him to Xie Lian. After some hugging and gushing over how they missed each other receiving some glares from Hua Cheng he finally went to He Xuan.
Before he had left to go hug Xie Lian he had trusted He Xuan with his ice cream but soon regretted because now he Xuan stood there with a stone face without any ice cream in his hands.
"My ice cream...."
"It was my fault"
"Don't hmm me! Feel guilty He Xuan!"
"Ughhhh" Shi Qingxuan couldn't say anymore and just walked along with him as the exited the airport together He Xuan promising that he will text him later leaving Shi Qingxuan happy.

Truthfully your's~ [Beefleaf]
De Todo"He was like the he was the wind and I could never get a hold of him as I was made to stay deep under water but I still try and I guess even after 67 times I haven't learnt my lesson yet"