°He Xuan°

101 3 0

"A Carnaval!!!!!" Shi Qingxuan and Xie Lian cried out in unison.
Mrs Hua laughed at the way Shi Qingxuan and Xie Lian flocked closer to her like excited baby ducklings.

They were currently at Hua Cheng's house and were playing a game till Mrs Hua came and interrupted them to get to know the 2 newcomers. Shi Qingxuan and Pei Xiu (who was forced to tag along due to Shi Wudu's brother complex) had kept their guards up but when Mrs Hua had mentioned about the Carnaval that is hosted once every 20 years they got very excited.

"They are hosting it next week I remember attending it 20 years ago which is obviously before xiao-cheng was born" Mrs Hua said with a chuckle.
"I can't believe he is already 15 he was so small back then" Mrs Hua sighed as she placed her head on her hand lazily "Xiao-cheng do you remember when you got lost--"
"Please stop it mother and get out of my room your embarrassing me!" Hua Cheng said turning red as his usual calm and collected mask broke down.
"I wanna know" Xie Lian objected but before Mrs Hua could continue Hua Cheng had already pushed her outside his door and locked his room.

He Xuan couldn't help but smirk at Hua Cheng's own helplessness after some more rounds of league of legends (but wait), He Xuan had a lot to complain. They could have played among us but Hua Cheng insisted because he wanted to play bottom lane with Xie Lian.
There are 5 roles in league of legends:-
-Top lane (mostly tanky characters go there and it was Pei Xiu's job which he did fairly well)

-Middle lane ( He Xuan took charge because he would rather die then play with someone else)

-Jungle (Shi Qingxuan actually helped a lot tho he died constantly reminding He Xuan of all the regressions he went through)

-And bottom lane (an attacker with a support Hua Cheng and Xie Lian took the roles and only God knows what happened there but all they did was die throughout the game)

They lost most of the games (totally Hua Cheng's fault) and were depressed so they just played among us and called it a day. On the way back home Shi Qingxuan kept rambling about the Carnaval and how he wanted his fortune read.
"You know they scam you right?" Pei Xiu said breaking Shi Qingxuan's bubble
"Shut up A-Xiu you are such a spoils sport no one is asking you to get yours read you know! And anyways even if the fortune teller told you the ways in which you could recieve your one sided love you would still fuck it up with all that stammering"
That must have hit home because Pei Xiu didn't talk for the rest of the way home.

•. •. •.

The days had passed by rather quickly and He Xuan found himself in the Carnaval with a happy Hua Cheng, a excited Xie Lian, a paranoid Pei Xiu, a annoyed Ban Yu and a over excited Shi Qingxuan.
"Come on! Come on!" Shi Qingxuan yelled as he grabbed Xie Lian and Ban Yu and dragged them towards the huge Ferris wheel. He personally felt hurt as he was left behind with Hua Cheng and Pei Xiu.

After riding on the Carousel (only Shi Qingxuan and Xie Lian did it because they wanted the full experience), Bumper cars (He Xuan and Hua Cheng almost broke the boundaries), Flying bobs (Pei Xiu threw up in a very not-godly type of way after that ride) and eating tons of food Shi Qingxuan dragged them to the fortune tellers tent.

They had arrived at the Carnaval at about 7 so it had become very dark when they reached the fortune tellers tent.

It was perched the furthest from the Carnaval and didn't have a line. Definitely scam worthy. As they entered the tent a woman received the 6 of them and asked who needed a reading.

After Shi Qingxuan gave his name he was escorted in and he came back after 10 minutes and looked pretty shaken.
"What happened?" Xie Lian asked obviously concerned
"Nothing just he was too good at what he did" Shi Qingxuan replied

After his honest review Xie Lian also wanted to try and after him everyone followed and due to "peer pressure" He Xuan had to go as well. After he entered the fortune tellers room He Xuan understood why everyone looked like god had shown them their future. Sitting in the centre of the room in front of a crystal orb was Mei Nianqing.

"You look far more interesting than the others, you remember don't you?" Mei Nianqing said as he looked at He Xuan like a curious cat as the later stood rotted to the ground his eyes wide open.


Hie honeysssssss it's me the author (yayayayyayayay) I am so sorry for the late upload but collage and exams tough life but as my vacations have started by the grace of the Lord I will try uploading as much as possible✨✨✨ I'll make sure to keep you guys updated, eat healthy, sleep well, don't do drugs, don't follow strangers and above all slay you day my lovelies bye 💅

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